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How to loop through items in inventory?


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I'd like to loop through items in inventory to perform a certain check on each of the items. I have this code (which doesn't work as expected) :

    local player = getPlayer()
    local inventory = player:getInventory()
    local items = inventory:getItems()
    for i, v in ipairs(items) do
        print("i: ", i)
        print("v: ", v)


Printing "items" results in a following entry in the console:


[Clothing{ clothingItemName="some name"}, Clothing{...}, zombie.inventory.types.InventoryContaier@..., zombie.inventory.types.HandWeapon@....]


First strange thing about it is that it looks like a mix of 'body containers' and actual items? And the other is that it's enclosed in square brackets, which is not a Lua data type according to my limited knowledge of Lua. ipairing 'items' doesn't throw an error, but it doesn't access the objects either.


How can I access items in invntory in form of a iterable table? And what is this strange list in [] that gets logged to the console?

Edited by Eggon
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