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Player Character Food Likes/Dislikes


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May or may not have been suggested before, but player character food likes/dislikes could add another dimension to roleplaying/character creation.


The Boredom and (Un)Happiness stats of foods are sensible, though static.  Similar to the trait system, pick a handful of things your survivor likes or doesn't like.

Edited by Wayfarer
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On 3/25/2021 at 3:37 AM, Wayfarer said:

May or may not have been suggested before, but player character food likes/dislikes could add another dimension to roleplaying/character creation.


The Boredom and (Un)Happiness stats of foods are sensible, though static.  Similar to the trait system, pick a handful of things your survivor likes or doesn't like.


You could also have traits comeinto play. Like, you could have a 'picky eater' trait that gets less happiness from most foods and more unhappiness. Maybe they would refuse to eat things like worms, etc

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On 25/3/2021 at 8:37, Wayfarer said:

Puede que se haya sugerido o no antes, pero los gustos / disgustos de la comida de los personajes del jugador podrían agregar otra dimensión a los juegos de rol / creación de personajes.


Las estadísticas de aburrimiento y (des) felicidad de los alimentos son sensibles, aunque estáticas. Al igual que en el sistema de rasgos, elija un puñado de cosas que le gusten o no le gusten a su superviviente.



¡Que bueno! La verdad es que es sencillo y a lo mejor no se note mucho al principio, o jugando solo, pero cuando tengamos un personaje que sea cocinero de nivel 10 y reparta los platos hasta te arrepientas un poco de haber elegido esa habilidad (Como todo defecto tiene que darte la sensación en algún momento de "¿Porque seré tan idiota de haber cogido ese defecto?" pero no siempre claro, pero seria un problema que notarias cuando la cocina este perfeccionada.) 

Incluso abriendo variantes u opciones "vegano" seria un tipo de defecto bastante serio en el sentido léxico y también rolero. "cazador de alimañas" Te gusta alimentarte de comida que proviene de la caza, aves, o incluso de carne en general.

"marginado" te gusta alimentarte de insectos. 

 "mendigo" o "necrófago" para que la carne podrida te de menos problemas.

Aunque es cierto que existe la habilidad de estomago delicado quizás haría conflicto, aunque creo que este defecto va mas enfocado a problemas intestinales o estomacales, el tema seria ramificarlo en distintos tipo para dar mas opción a los jugadores a la hora de prepara sus comidas. 

Seria divertido ver un grupo de personas comiendo y a parte el cocinero con las sobras después de cocinar preparando un estofado de zapatillas rotas y cucarachas. (esto último es una exageración, evidentemente)


How nice!The truth is that it is simple and maybe it is not very noticeable at the beginning, or playing alone, but when we have a character who is a level 10 cook and delivers the dishes you might regret a little bit to have chosen that skill (Like any defect has to give you the feeling at some point of "Why am I such an idiot to have taken that defect?" but not always of course, but it would be a problem that you would notice when the kitchen is perfected). 

Even opening variants or options "vegan" would be a quite serious type of defect in the lexical sense and also roleplaying. "varmint hunter" You like to feed on food that comes from game, poultry, or even meat in general.

"outcast" you like to feed on insects. 

 "beggar" or "necrophage" so that rotting meat gives you less trouble.

Although it is true that there is the ability of delicate stomach perhaps would conflict, although I think this defect is more focused on intestinal or stomach problems, the issue would be to branch it into different types to give more choice to players when preparing their meals. 

It would be fun to see a group of people eating and the cook with the leftovers after cooking preparing a stew of broken sneakers and cockroaches. (the latter is an exaggeration, obviously).




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