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can we get at least 45 degree curves on roads?


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now, we already had unmarked asphalth tiles but a lot of people said ''muh road markings'' and dismissed any possibilty of at least somehwat curved roads, and I'd like to put my hand where my mouth is, so I found the tile template from the modding section and got to work.




ignore the odd tile coloring, I just colored them differently initially to make sure I aligned the tiles correctly. all the unique tiles you'd need are colored differently to emphasize how little you need to add 45 degree road markings. depending on where you want to push the line, you need 3-5 unique sprites for this turn. assuming the worst, that's 12 unique tiles to cover all possible turns.




again, marked with unique colors for every unique tile you'd need. in a 45 degree road, these handful of tiles can be used infinitely. I've only made them as examples, but I'm fairly certain making them as proper sprites with lines would be equally trivial. hell, just send me the sprites for asphalth and the lines and I'll do it for you.


hell, you guys already have angles asphalth, it's just not marked, so this is not a ''but half the tile would be road and half of it wouldn't'' because this already is a compromise the developers have made




so, for the love of god, please smooth these out




I'm fine with some hard cuts in cities or whatever, but this is an actual highway. there shouldn't be hard cuts here. look, I'm not asking for euro truck simulator style hyper smooth roads or something like this, all I'm asking for is this:




(yes this one is made very poorly with paint to demonstrate a point) for the love of god just smooth out some of the roads

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I remember a while back some modder on here was working on actual proper curved road tiles (not 45°, actual curves). I don't remember what happened to them, but they looked quite promising. I'll liink the post if I can find it.



Edited by Kappatao
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You’re forgetting that this would be an incredibly tedious project to compete. You go from laying a straight line in an automatic tool and filling in the details later, to having to do almost the entire thing manually, one tile at a time.


 Overlays also wouldn’t match up. It’d be inconsistent with the rest of the map, including areas not relaased yet.


Maybe it’ll still happen at some point, but without a more intelligent system like those seen in city builder sims, I’m doubtful the mappers would take it up. I imagine that’s the point where modders realize it’s better just to create new locations than fight the grid, as well.

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