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New Features and new Items!


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I wanted to make a list of new items that could be added, and some features! And I also apologize for my bad english and words I wrote wrong


- Items -

+ Leather jacket

+ Leatherette jacket

+ Secateurs (The big one´s)

+ Sub-machine guns (In Police and military locations)

+ Lawnmower (To turn on, and attract Zombies)

+ Gas burner

+ MRE 

+ Chainsaw

+ More fruits (Mango; Lychee; Blueberries; Raspberries; bag of frozen fruits; etc)

+ More vegetables (Olives; Cucumber; Brussels sprouts; bag of frozen vegetables; etc)

+ More herbs (Bell pepper; Curry; Nutmeg; etc)

+ Energy drinks

+ Plate´s (To put food on it of course)

- Features -

+ Peeking around a corner (Maybe with the mouse wheel)

+ Beeing able to throw almost every item (To attract Zombies to the spot where the item hit the ground, or braking a window to create even more noise)

+ Zombies see you much worse in the dark, when you wear dark clothes, but also see you much better in the dark when you wear light clothes

+ Open and close Jackets so you dont get to hot

+ Make zombies not follow you by walking around a fence when you jump over it. ( Its hard to explain, I try my best. When you jump over a high fence, they walk around the big fence to get to you, but I personaly think they should lean against the big fence)

+ Throw items over a big fence, when you have a item as secondary like a gas can

+ Using the toillet

+ Brush teeth (When you dont do that, you can get sick after some days)

+ Beeing able to bath

+ Hide under a bed or a closet when its almost empty-complete empty

+ Jumping out of a window (Look against a window, press the button that you use to sprint and then beeing able to jump out) It could be usefull if you need to make a quick escape

+ Beeing able to wrap barbed wire around a baseball bat

+ Able to play CD´s on the  CD player

+ Able to play with toys (Jojos; Board game; etc)

+ Beeing able to find DVD´s and put them in to those big boxy TV´s or in a car and watch/hear a movie or what ever is on that tape (To get rid of boredom)

+ Beeing able to sit on a couch/chair and eat something on the table

+ You eat faster when you eat with a spoon/Fork

+ Suicide (With a gun. And maybe even add the feature, that when you are brave you have a higher chance to kill yourself. And cowards dont want to suicide because they are to scared. And maybe have a higher chance to suicide when you know you will turn. And when you try to kill yourself with a knife or in general with something sharp, you have maybe like a 0%-5% chance of doing it, because your character is to scared of the pain)

+ Not beeing able to sleep when a TV is on near you (But you can fall asleep when you are extremly tired)

+ Get unconscious (Of Pain)

+ Some Zombies are bigger than others, or some are more fatter than others, and thus are slower, or maybe some are a bit thinner and thus easier to make them fall and maybe they have less health




- Vehicles -

+ Motorbike (And maybe have a high chance to find a motorbike helmet in the trunk)

+ Bike

+ Scooter (Some maybe foldable)

+ More Civilian cars

+ Dirtbike (Especialy very loud, but good on off-road)

+ Trucks

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On 2/2/2021 at 5:20 PM, Luxiser said:

+ Chainsaw

It is coming and was teased a few times already; the item is in game but lacks art and functionality at the moment :)


On 2/2/2021 at 5:20 PM, Luxiser said:

+ Peeking around a corner (Maybe with the mouse wheel)

I think it's about to come to build 42.


On 2/2/2021 at 5:20 PM, Luxiser said:

+ Using the toillet

+ Brush teeth (When you dont do that, you can get sick after some days)

+ Beeing able to bath

 Unfortunately it's confirmed not to come.


On 2/2/2021 at 5:20 PM, Luxiser said:

+ Able to play CD´s on the  CD player

+ Beeing able to find DVD´s and put them in to those big boxy TV´s or in a car and watch/hear a movie or what ever is on that tape (To get rid of boredom)

It's kinda planned to be implemented as walkman and VHSes are most likely to come first (there's no DVDs in-game)


Other than that, some were suggested, some not, but good suggestions anyway :)

Edited by Faalagorn
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