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IWBUMS 41 - Welder mask bugs recipes


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If you've only a welder mask in your inventory and that one is favorited, all the recipes that require it (or most of them) and of which you've all the required ingredients will still be greyed out as if you miss one.


Remove the favorite star from the welder mask and the recipes will work again. Weird bug, but I went crazy to find it so I hope that sharing will let you fix ^=^

Edited by jinh86
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If you ONLY have a Welder mask in your inventory then all the recipes will be in red because you need more than a mask to craft/dismantle anything. Doesn't matter if the mask is favourited or not. 


Now, if you do have Propane torch and all other things, as required, then could it be a specific recipe? (I do not see this happen on my end) 


Any mods?

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  • 1 month later...

No, simply as said: welder mask favorited -> recipes disabled. Welder mask not favorited -> recipes enabled. 

It just seems that if it's favorited it doesn't count as "usable" by the recipe. 


No mods, no extra masks needed since unfavorite already solves the issue...still, remains a bug ^^

Edited by jinh86
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I took a second to try this out for troubleshooting. Ignore my nonexistent metalworking skill, favouriting the welder's mask doesn't make it unusable for me. It also still allows me to disassemble things regardless if it is favourited or not. Works if the welders' mask is in my Backpack as well. Build 41.50

@jinh86 are you able to take a screenshot for the devs so they can see exactly what you're having problems with? As well as include the build number? :)


Edited by orikamii
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  • 2 years later...

[41.78.16 (Steam)] [Solo/Sandbox] Favorite: Welder Mask Breaks Crafting Window


No mods.

This is not a map issue, but map coords are: 6086x5353x1534 (copied off PZ Map Project for my location; ground floor, so I guess that 1534 should be a zero/0).

Because I included 2 screenshots, I will reply again to include the logs.zip file.

Old Save. I have played on this save file/map for a couple months, since early in March 2023.



I was about to start a new post for this, then found this one so replying. Agreed, the welder mask seems to have an issue when the item is added to favorite items/gold star on the item, causing metalworking recipes make metal sheet (4 small metal sheet, propane torch 2 units, and welder mask) and make small metal sheet (1 metal sheet, propane torch 2 units, and welder mask) to not work/become inactive/greyed out.


Welder Mask (not favorite item/no gold star) recipe in crafting window becomes active.



Welder Mask (favorite item/gold star) causes recipe to grey out/not work.




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On 1/8/2021 at 12:16 PM, jinh86 said:

If you've only a welder mask in your inventory and that one is favorited, all the recipes that require it (or most of them) and of which you've all the required ingredients will still be greyed out as if you miss one.


Remove the favorite star from the welder mask and the recipes will work again. Weird bug, but I went crazy to find it so I hope that sharing will let you fix ^=^


On 2/10/2021 at 4:44 AM, Pandorea said:

Still can't reproduce this - favourited or not all the recipes show up. Which build are you on?

Think outside the box. Well, maybe you do not actually play the game, so idk, maybe you did not try all possibilities. The recipe window for metalworking shows the recipe greyed out when the welder mask is a favorite item. When the welder mask is not a favorite item, the recipe works. All other aspects of metalworking seem to work properly either way (favorite or not).


And, just a feedback for making a 'new' save to test this requires metalworking skill level 4 to test out this (must have the magazine, read it, and unlock MW level 4) , so not really a viable option (to require us/players to test this type of thing with a new save) in all situations, in my opinion.

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Tested in debug mode, can confirm the Make Metal Sheet recipe does not work if the Welder Mask is favourited.  Didn't check any other recipes.


Had a quick look at the decompiled code, I think this is caused by function getItemsFrom(ArrayList<RMRecipeItem> arrayList, RMRecipe rMRecipe) in private static final class RMRecipeItemList, specifically the following code: || "Clothing".equals(rMRecipeItem.item.getCategory()) && rMRecipeItem.item.isFavorite()


I assume the code is there to stop someone from losing a favourited item of clothing, e.g. ripping up all items of clothing.


Maybe the code could be tweaked to allow favourited items where the recipe specifies the item as keep X? (although that could cause an issue if a recipe ever damages clothes even if they are 'keep', just like how crafting spears damages a knife but for clothes).

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