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Playing with controller sometimes interrupts mouse actions and vice versa (Linux)


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When playing on split screen, when keyboard + mouse player is having an item under mouse cursor and controller player clicks the left bumper when in inventory (to change containers), item is taken away from the cursor as if the keyboard + mouse player depressed the left mouse button.


Also, when radial menu is open for controller player (tested with the car controller), each time keyboard + mouse player clicks the left mouse button, the menu blinks.


There might be other minor issues where keyboard and mouse inputs are being confused and driving a vehicle is troubled with controller, see https://theindiestone.com/forums/index.php?/topic/31859-playing-with-controller-always-accelerate-the-vehicles-linux/


I'm using Steam Controller, but it presents itself as Xbox 360 controller. I'm playing Steam version with Steam running either the regular one or big picture mode. I can try different controllers or mappings if needed, but I think it's not related.


I'm using the latest Arch Linux with Steam beta and native runtime, I could try different combinations if needed, but I think it's not related as well.


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