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Adjustable Helicopter function.


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With alibuyuktatli we managed to create a fake helicopter function.


What it does

When you call the function, it simulate an Helicopter by calling the sound, faking arrival/hovering/leaving with incremental/decremental sound volume, and using addSound command to call the zombies around. The Fake Helicopter function needs a (player) argument, so you can call the Helicopter right on top of chosen player !


What for ?

For example, if you call this function in a OnCreate function in a recipe, the crafting of the recipe will call this fake Helicopter on the player who crafted the recipe (and not at a random player location).

Here is a demo of the function in a video : https://drive.google.com/file/d/1dwrieE7Archble93cpB--_8zS1JC-JT6/view?usp=sharing

In this video, the function is called with an OnCreate function added in the custom recipe.


Can I use it in my own mod ?

We share the code for the coders community, feel free to use ! But please leave the credits.


How I use it ?

All is explained in the .lua file with the credits in the first lines. If you have trouble using it, feel free to ask here or in PM.


Who coded that ?

All credits of the code to alibuyuktatli !


Other credits

Some of the icons/spites you can see in the video are used with the courtesy of Hydrocraft Mod.


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