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Car Key Left In Ignition Vanishes If Game Crashes Or CTRL-ALT-DELETE


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Good evening.


In my most recent "Zomboid" game, I accidentally jumped out of my running vehicle by pressing the "E" key and was unable to get back in, despite pressing it again and despite the green square being highlighted. I popped out of the car by pressing "D". Consequently, the zombies that I mowed over devoured me, and I committed an act of Save Scumming because of the accident.


Restarting the game at my last back up, I showed up back in my base and walked to where the vehicle was. It was there, but the key I had left in the ignition was not present. It vanished.


I am using the latest "I Will Back Up My Save" branch on Build Forty-One. Thank you for any assistance you may render in future updates.



Warm regards and bodies,


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