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IWBUMS 41.38 released


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Updated and improved Cabin in the Woods map by Xeonyx (worth exploring if you survive at end)

New steps and expanded outside sequence

Mainly covers movement and combat - will be expanded at a later date, and made compatibile with gamepads


- Added a radial menu for reloading firearms and spare magazines.
 The menu is displayed after holding down the Reload key (or controller button) for half a second.
 The "Display reloading radial menu immediately" Accessibility option changes this behavior so the
 menu is displayed immediately.

- Added a command to the item context menu and reload radial menu to unload all rounds from non-magazine type guns, like revolvers.
- Changed "Rack" to "Unload Round" for non-magazine type guns.
- Added StaticModel to RadioMag, MechanicMag, and BookMechanic items.
- Rebuilt Tiles pack - this should include thinner log walls to help with cutaways, and also remove the random red dots on some tiles hopefully
- Bar Taps now movable.
- Taking dirt, gravel or sand from a square it was previously placed on now both removes it and restores the previous floor sprites.
- Added Flip flops and Fannypacks. The latter can be worn on front or back.
- Equipped bags with tint now have a tinted icon in the right panel (where backpacks are).
- Tooltips of equipped bag on the right panel now show the name of the bag.
- Added briefcase.
- Added Mash's new overlay sprites (fridges, stoves, seats, etc).
- Added a different icon to the vehicle radial menu for refueling from a pump at a gas station.
- Play an animation when grabbing a corpse from the ground.




- Memory Optimization: Vehicles use the same damage and rust textures, with a second UV channel.
- Blood is drawn separately on the front, back and sides of vehicles to handle hitting zombies on different locations.
- Blood intensity varies from 0.0 to 1.0 instead of using 2 different blood textures.
- Draw blood on vehicle windows before the damage texture, to avoid blood covering holes in windows
- Blood is added to the front and back of vehicles when hitting zombies.
- Blood is added to vehicle windows zombies are attacking.
- Updated vehicle-blood textures.
- Added "Wash Vehicle" context-menu command to remove blood from vehicles.  Requires water.
- Play the blowtorch sound and use the blowtorch animation when dismantling vehicles.




- Added "Set Compost" command to the "[DEBUG] Objects" context menu to set the amount of compost in a composter.
- Added a context-menu command for adding compost from a Compost Bag to a composter.
- Partial amounts of compost may be taken into empty Sacks and partly-empty Compost Bags. Previously the player could only take a full 10 units of compost at a time.




- enabled previously added worldflares system




-adjusted female mesh around the arms
-re-exported female clothes
-re-assigned Vest_BulletCivilian.xml to point to correct famale mesh




- Renamed "Quit" "Quit To Menu".
- Moved "Quit To Desktop" below "Quit To Menu" to match the order of buttons in the main menu.
- Moved "New Character" above "Quit To Menu".
- Replaced Yes/No comboboxes in the Display options with checkboxes.
- Moved the Delete button to the left of the New and Play buttons in the Last Stand player-select ui, to match other uis.
- Sort beard and hair styles by name in the character-creation ui.
- Changed the Yes/No "Chest Hair" combobox to a checkbox in the character-creation ui.




- Added an Accessibility option for choosing how the shoulder buttons switch containers in the inventory and loot windows.




- Translations for map titles can be specified by adding a file named title.txt in the same folder as description.txt.
 For example, media\lua\shared\Translate\FR\Muldraugh, KY\title.txt. The file should contain a single line with the translated map name.
- Fixed missing Last Stand translations.
- Improved and standardised English language presentation.
- Added translation for "Type 1" etc clothing texture choices in the character-creation ui.
- Added IGUI_ClothingName_XXX translations separate from Tooltip_clothing_XXX (Dirty, Wet, etc).




- Made skill magazines take 10 minutes to read, equivalent to reading 5 pages of a skill book.
- Made short fence doors hoppable and never locked.  They can be hopped over using the context menu, holding the E key,
 or pressing the B controller button.
- RMC Mildew/Insecticide Spray (full) shows option to Make Flies Cure if there is an empty spray can available
- Partially-loaded gun magazines are reloaded when the reload key is pressed, if there are no other non-empty magazines in inventory.
 A full magazine is ejected without reloading it.
- "Fill All" Option for multiple bottles etc
- Bleach turns into "Empty Bleach Bottle" when consumed (previously it disappeared).
- Added "Bleach Bottle With Water" that holds twice as much water as a pop bottle (and weighs twice as much).
- Food items that turn into empty items when fully consumed (such as Orange Soda and Bleach) become lighter depending
 on the amount remaining.
- Lowered lights on character.



- Fixed mod .pack files being loaded too late, resulting in missing item textures.
- Fixed ModelManager.RenderSkyBox() binding the wrong FBO.
- Fixed perk name translations not changing when the display language is changed.
- Fixed window frames becoming non-interactive after installing a window. For example, it wasn't possible to plaster a crafted window frame after putting a window in, until the game was reloaded.
- Fixed parse errors not being displayed in the Lua debugger Errors window.
- Fixed 1x1 NormalGlasses.png textures looking transparent if clothing textures were updated when the game wasn't zoomed all the way in.
- Fixed Texture.getUVScale() allocating a new Vector2 each call.
- Fixed Dye Hair doing nothing when the item isn't in the player's inventory already.
- Fixed translations not being reloaded after quitting to the main menu.
- Fixed lua error climbing over a tall fence with a bag in hand selected in the inventory window.
- Fixed short metal pole fence being thumpable.
- Fixed Bag_NormalHikingBag model not appearing in the player's hands.
- Fixed not blacking out part of the screen when a splitscreen is loading.
- Fixed invisible player 1 when loading a splitscreen game with a controller.
- Fixed makeup and foraging uis not being removed when a player dies.
- Fixed context-menu tooltips displaying "Hold E" when "Tap E" will suffice for climbing through.
- Fixed the wrong "get up" animation playing sometimes when the player trips while sprinting through trees.
- Fixed the wrong node name being displayed in the Anim Monitor debug ui sometimes.
- Fixed using a door or window behind the player when there is a useable vehicle door in front of the player.
- Fixed a new "empty trash" dialog box appearing each time the "Delete All" button is clicked.
- Fixed lua error when inspecting clothing when the tailoring ui is already visible.
- Fixed being able to rotate multi-tile furniture so that parts clip through walls and closed doors.
- Fixed 'Police Sign' at proper height when trying to place.
- Fixed Radio messages not showing last part of line when weather interference applied.
- Fixed propane-bbq-with-tank sprite being a movable now so it can show the info panel.
- Fixed warning about missing IGUI_SkinTemperature translation.
- Fixed holding E doesn't climb over short IsoThumpable fence doors (it only worked for IsoDoor).
- Fixed the player tripping and getting back up instead of falling when attacked by a zombie while climbing through a window, when
 there is no floor on the other side of the window.
- Fixed the player playing a hit-reaction animation after tripping and getting back up when attacked by a zombie while climbing through a window.
- Fixed zombies eating corpses from far away sometimes.
- Fixed tile properties on several mirror sprites (they were missing attachedN/S/W/E properties).
- Fixed table lamps sometimes hanging off the edge of furniture. This is done by restricting table lamps to face the same direction as required by the furniture-moving tool.
- Fixed NullPointerException in IsoPlayer.updateDirt().  This occurred when loading a sleeping splitscreen player.
- Fixed the player getting stuck after walking into an upside-down vehicle.
- Fixed Salad and Vitamins not displaying a model when consumed.
- Fixed both halves of a two-tile oven being activatable separately.
- Fixed the vehicle radial menu "Open Hood" command not displaying the mechanics ui afterwards.
- Fixed the vehicle hood not being closed automatically after opening the mechanics ui through the radial menu.
- Fixed sprinter zombies sometimes skipping the getting-up animation after tripping.
- Fixed sprinter zombies not being considered "on the ground" after tripping.
- Fixed not being able to fix the new firearms.
- Fixed firearms without chambers (such as revolvers) spawning with +1 round in the non-existent chamber.
- Fixed OutOfMemoryError errors due to unreleased texture memory.
- Fixed rain turning horizontal when windSpeed 0 and zooming
- Fixed vehicle windows sometimes being left with 0 condition without being destroyed (InventoryItem wasn't set to null).
- Fixed vehicle windows taking twice as much damage from zombie attacks.
- Fixed zombies only damaging the vehicle window the player was sitting next to.
- Fixed the player model becoming a blob when switching between male and female in the character-creation ui.
- Fixed the character-creation ui male/female combobox being permanently highlighted when not using a controller.
- Fixed a few typos in DynamicRadio_EN.txt
- Fixed reversed bumper mask colours for the vans and pickups
- Fixed animation events being skipped sometimes when an animation loops.
- Fixed the Reloading skill not affecting the speed of putting bullets in or removing bullets from a magazine.
- Fixed (maybe) insert-bullet and remove-bullet sounds not syncing well with the magazine reload/unload animations.
- Fixed evolved recipes not being displayed in the crafting ui when the Filter All checkbox is ticked.
- Fixed a lua error in the crafting ui when an evolved recipe has non-food item ingredients. (Prepare Beverage uses Sugar, for example).
- Fixed an infinite loop when saving multiple items of the same type in a container. (This happened when saving two corpses in a container.)
- Fixed reloading an empty magazine and putting it back into the gun after using the Eject Magazine context-menu command. Refactored parts of ISLoadBulletsInMagazine.lua into ISUnloadBulletsFromMagazine.lua.
- Fixed using the wrong facing direction when calculating player aim. (The effect of this bug was that zombies that should have been in the aim cone based on the direction the player was aiming with the cursor-thingy were missed sometimes.)
- Fixed being able to shove zombies behind the player while still turning. It was using getForwardDirection().
- Fixed StashDescriptions using non-existent containerItem Base.Duffelbag item.
- Fixed zombies eating corpses through doors, walls and windows.
- Fixed the player's inventory not being redisplayed when attaching or detaching items from the hotbar.
- Fixed wrong "job type" being displayed in the vehicle-mechanics ui sometimes.
- Fixed some elements of fence hiding logic
- Fixed certain items losing their "favorite" status
- Fixed breaking Metal Barricades having a woody sound
- Fixed Antique stove not having fuel timer
- Fixed non-clothing items being stored on clothing racks
- Fixed Boots not protecting against bites/scratches
- Fixed not being able to "Rip" a "Long Dress"
- Fixed V-Neck Sweater Vest protecting forearms.
- Fixed state change not respecting partial consumption of foods
- Fixed Fish Fillets (cooked) found in-game having no calories to them
- Fixed caught animals weight should not having any variation
- Fixed the player not facing objects while painting them.
- Fixed not being able to paint non-carpentry objects using a controller.
- Fixed highlighting of stacked crates when choosing one to paint using a controller.
- Fixed where the player stands when painting a crate.
- Fixed invalid "require" statement in ISCampingInfoAction.
- Fixed Boredom, stress and unhappiness increasing while reading literature which reduces those stats. This was changed for people playing with longer day lengths in sandbox games.
- Fixed the version of Java used in popman/src/doJNI.bat.
- Fixed untranslatable new hairstyles.
- Fixed issues with saved outfits in the character-creation ui.
 - Translated names of clothing items were saved, which breaks when the display language changes.
 - The selected texture (color of Baseball Cap for example) wasn't loaded properly.
 - The wrong skin color was saved after clicking the Randomize button but not selecting a skin color from the combobox.
- Fixed using an EmptySandbag with items in it when taking dirt/gravel/sand or compost. Compost Bag now uses the EmptySandbag model when equipped.
- Fixed not being able to steer or brake a vehicle when the engine shuts off while driving.
- Fixed equipping a Trowel in both hands when taking dirt/gravel/sand.
- Fixed the iso-cursor flashing after playing the tutorial.
- Fixed untranslated string in the inventory window when unloading bullets from a firearm.
- Fixed wet towels not drying any faster in a Clothing Dryer.
- Fixed lua error pressing the reload key the first time while equipping a firearm.
- Fixed a few IsoObject fields not being reset to default values after releasing an object.
- Fixed missing 3D model for the HotDrink item.
- Fixed titles issue by adding UIFont.Title which is used for titles in the main menu.  This is used instead of UIFont.Cred2 because some languages can't display all characters with UIFont.Cred2.  For these languages, UIFont.Title is the same as UIFont.Large.
- Fixed not skipping the UTF-8 Byte Order Mark when reading description.txt and title.txt map translation files.
- Fixed some confusion about which equipped item to use for flashlight cone width, etc. If there is an active light in both hands, the right-hand item has priority. This can be fixed later to allow multiple active lights, not just in the hands, for headlamps, etc.
- Fixed the appearance of the ui with offscreen rendering enabled not matching the appearance when offscreen rendering is disabled. A long-standing issue has been the alpha values not being the same between the two methods.
- Fixed incorrect use of SandboxVars.NatureAbundance is ISFishingAction.lua.
- Fixed rounding of floating-point display values in some places.
 1) Bite and scratch chance in the clothing protection ui.
 2) When gaining XP from TV broadcasts.
 3) Tire pressure is rounded to one decimal place instead of three in the mechanics ui.
- Fixed not drawing the same background texture behind "halo" notes as is drawn for speech text above the player's head.
- Fixed crawling zombies turning too quickly sometimes. This was due to WalkTowardState calling setForwardDirection() when there was still turning to do. (Turning is still herky-jerky due to not having deferred rotation in the turning animations. Crawling zombies still turn "instantly" in PathFindState, but not in WalkTowardState.)
- Fixed lua error saving character clothing in the character-creation ui with non-English languages.
- Fixed furniture moving and disassembling actions not finding tools in bags.
- Fixed furniture disassembling equipping a Welding Mask in the hand instead of wearing it.
- Fixed playing the hammering sound when disassembling furniture with a blowtorch.
- Fixed dismantling vehicles equipping a Welding Mask in the hand instead of wearing it.
- Fixed hotbar items stacking with non-hotbar items in the inventory window.
- Fixed the divider line between equipped and unequipped items sometimes being drawn in the wrong place.
- Fixed seeds not being taken from bags when planting crops.
- Fixed an equipped empty water-container item remaining in the hands after taking water from a sink/etc.
- Fixed vehicle containers not being displayed in the loot window sometimes.
- Fixed farming lua error by moving all seeds of the same type from a bag when planting crops.
- Fixed double-clicking an individual weapon in an expanded stack not equipping or unequipping it.
- Fixed double-clicking a stack of weapons equipping each of them in turn.
- Fixed double-clicking an equipped weapon unequipping it instantly and not redisplaying the inventory.



- Reverted changes to getSkinTransformData() and resetSkinTransforms().
 Each AnimationPlayer can have multiple active SkinTransformData objects (one per clothing model, for example).

- ModelInstance.reset() shouldn't call "Pool.tryRelease(AnimPlayer)" because AnimationPlayer is owned by IsoGameCharacter.
 Multiple ModelInstances (clothing models for example) all point to the same AnimationPlayer.

- Fixed exception in PZArrayUtil.newInstance() when the new array is smaller than the one being copied.

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Nice work! Can't wait to jump in to see the new additions and tutorial.


Just a small suggestion that could be added in like 10mins:


"Automatically Click to start option in the settings"


I don't think I need to say more to describe this addition, this is more of a quality of life addition.
Better for recurring players and especially modders when they would like to check if their mod is functional.


Skipping/automatically starting the game as soon as the THIS IS HOW YOU DIED loading screen is finished


This addition should be simple enough to implement.

Im not a programmer but this could be a simple "detect when game is loaded, send click to start"

Edited by ROTFLOL
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Update will be pushed to GOG in a few hours, so we have time in case any hotfixes are necessary.



7 minutes ago, ROTFLOL said:

Nice work! Can't wait to jump in to see the new additions and tutorial.


Just a small suggestion that could be added in like 10mins:


"Automatically Click to start option in the settings"


I don't think I need to say more to describe this addition, this is more of a quality of life addition.
Better for recurring players and especially modders when they would like to check if their mod is functional.


Skipping/automatically starting the game as soon as the THIS IS HOW YOU DIED loading screen is finished


This addition should be simple enough to implement.

Im not a programmer but this could be a simple "detect when game is loaded, send click to start"

Maybe we'll make a separate thread for it when we have a phase specifically for smaller QoL updates but you can use that one for now:



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39 minutes ago, ROTFLOL said:

Nice work! Can't wait to jump in to see the new additions and tutorial.


Just a small suggestion that could be added in like 10mins:


"Automatically Click to start option in the settings"


I don't think I need to say more to describe this addition, this is more of a quality of life addition.
Better for recurring players and especially modders when they would like to check if their mod is functional.


Skipping/automatically starting the game as soon as the THIS IS HOW YOU DIED loading screen is finished


This addition should be simple enough to implement.

Im not a programmer but this could be a simple "detect when game is loaded, send click to start"

But actually, it doesn't load completely after "THIS IS HOW YOU DIED" and even "Click to start" on some slow PC (even on my 6700K). I usually wait for the fps raise to normal before to 'click' to start.

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LOG  : General, 1592574621554> false
LOG  : General, 1592574621572> false
LOG  : General, 1592574621587> false
LOG  : General, 1592574621604> false
LOG  : General, 1592574621620> false
LOG  : General, 1592574621637> false
LOG  : General, 1592574621653> false
LOG  : General, 1592574621670> false
LOG  : General, 1592574621687> false

I tried to figure out where this annoying print is and made neat print detector:

print = error;

But this did not help, rain of false continued. So it's on Java side.




Edited by Maris
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I'm on steam and I updated. When I go to the character creation screen, I can't see the character. When I continue anyway, the game loads, but my character remains invisible and can't move around. Reinstall didn't fix it. Is there some way I can provide you with additional details that might help with solving this issue?

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If work has begun with machine models (the appearance of blood spatters), then most likely in the future we will be able to sheath machines with metal! This is the right direction))

Thank you guys for your wonderful work.

Edited by Cubupb
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25 minutes ago, ThomasTries said:

I'm on steam and I updated. When I go to the character creation screen, I can't see the character. When I continue anyway, the game loads, but my character remains invisible and can't move around. Reinstall didn't fix it. Is there some way I can provide you with additional details that might help with solving this issue?


What OS do you play on? Standard PC set-up?

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Hi,I'm trying to complete the tutorial but when I kill "my father" in the garden the game tells me to equip a backpack,but the corpse doesn't have any item,at least in the spanish version (which is not full translated) that's all,thank you! =)

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45 minutes ago, Batsphinx said:


What OS do you play on? Standard PC set-up?

Ubuntu, 32gb ram, GeForce rtx2060. Had no problems with the previous build. I will restart my system now, just to make sure it is not related to anything like that. I did notice an error pop up in the lower right hand corner. Can I easily find the log off that error somewhere?

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46 minutes ago, Crodum said:

Hi,I'm trying to complete the tutorial but when I kill "my father" in the garden the game tells me to equip a backpack,but the corpse doesn't have any item,at least in the spanish version (which is not full translated) that's all,thank you! 😃

Make sure it's the corpse with the over-alls. There's two and they can overlap.


Could be something else, if that doesn't help. :)

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2 minutes ago, ThomasTries said:

Ubuntu, 32gb ram, GeForce rtx2060. Had no problems with the previous build. I will restart my system now, just to make sure it is not related to anything like that. I did notice an error pop up in the lower right hand corner. Can I easily find the log off that error somewhere?

My only guess is a path issue for the 3D models. I don't know why that'd happen with this update, though.


The logs are in \home\.zomboid on Linux, iirc. The console.txt would be handy.

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1 hour ago, ThomasTries said:

I'm on steam and I updated. When I go to the character creation screen, I can't see the character. When I continue anyway, the game loads, but my character remains invisible and can't move around. Reinstall didn't fix it. Is there some way I can provide you with additional details that might help with solving this issue?


I am having the same issue, running on Linux (Mint 19.3).


I checked the logs and I got a lot of occurrences of this error


/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libm.so.6: version `GLIBC_2.29' not found (required by /home/xxx/.local/share/Steam/steamapps/common/ProjectZomboid/projectzomboid/libjassimp64.so) at FutureTask.report line:122..


my version of glibc is 2.27-3ubuntu1, and afaik, it's not safe to upgrade glibc, since it might break already compiled programs in my system.


Is there something I can do on my end to fix the issue?


Looking forward to play the update! a lot of new cool features!



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4 minutes ago, EnigmaGrey said:

My only guess is a path issue for the 3D models. I don't know why that'd happen with this update, though.


The logs are in \home\.zomboid on Linux, iirc. The console.txt would be handy.

Here is the console.txt. It actually is in \home\Zomboid for me.


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4 minutes ago, Nexilar said:


I am having the same issue, running on Linux (Mint 19.3).


I checked the logs and I got a lot of occurrences of this error


/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libm.so.6: version `GLIBC_2.29' not found (required by /home/xxx/.local/share/Steam/steamapps/common/ProjectZomboid/projectzomboid/libjassimp64.so) at FutureTask.report line:122..


my version of glibc is 2.27-3ubuntu1, and afaik, it's not safe to upgrade glibc, since it might break already compiled programs in my system.


Is there something I can do on my end to fix the issue?


Looking forward to play the update! a lot of new cool features!



I see the same errors in my file.

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