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Zombie Distribution: Wealth


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A distribution setting that makes zombies drawn towards the "wealthiest" areas." Wealth in this case would be measured by general value of loot. Initially this would cause zombies to distribute with an urban focus but as the players begin hording and accumulating wealth the zombies would start spawning/migrating towards the players stash. This would make those deep in the woods farms/bases less safe. It would also potentially make for a tower defense style gameplay. A small tweak like that could end up really changing up the gameplay. Anyway, just a thought I was having as I was hording my 18th axe.

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Hmm, that would be a nice idea... Slowly building up your base and slowly getting the zombies to notice your base.


Speaking of "tower defense," It would be nice to be able to set up static defenses that could kill zombies. Like nailing stakes into walls.

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Taking this general idea in a different direction: what about, instead of the zombies being attracted to your material wealth, they're attracted by how often you frequent a certain location...almost like we leave lingering scent in the air, and the longer and more often we're in a location, the stronger our scent signature in that area becomes.  I actually wouldnt be TOO surprised if they worked in a mechanic along those lines with fauna and hunting.

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7D2D has the "heat" effect being a representation of how much noise and activity an area has. They have their own mechanics for when "heat" gets too high, but something like that for Zomboid can be a thing. A Zombie going towards a loud noise will eventually go towards another very loud noise, even if it is an hour later unless distracted. Eventually it will come closer and closer to the sound before it knows more and more when it's coming from.

Not saying HUGE HORDES... unless of course you attracted a horde to come near your base while you are putting up walls. Then adding more defenses like small Punji sticks for zombies to step on, spike walls and barricades to cripple and slow zombies to help deal with them would be great. You can just add a sprite, and then add an effect that damages legs. Player-placed doesn't harm the player. 

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