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Arcade Mode?


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Currently in game there is a challenge called "House In The Woods - Last Stand Accumulator" Which gives you points when you kill zombies and you can use those points to buy items, weapons and skills. I think is idea has been EXTREMELY overlooked. This could be rebranded as an arcade mode where you start on the kentucky map but XP gain is turned off and item spawns are turned off. With the only way to get items or skills is to buy them at certain locations. Want to level up a skill? Better find that bookstore in town. Want to get some body armor? Welp time to break into the police station. Need some food? Burgers are 15 points at your local spiffo restaurant. 


I think this mode needs to be looked at again. It could be a hidden jem.


What it could do is, Right now containers have marks that say what can spawn in them. Crates in warehouses will have tools, Lockers in police station will have guns and ammo.  Fridges in a cafe will have different food then fridges in supermarkets.


So, lets say you walk into the police station and open a locker it spawns ( Box of 9mm, Pump Shotgun, Duffle bag.) You can buy as many of these items as you want then you can click loot all ( would be renamed to reroll) for a cost to shuffle the items. Now you can buy: (hunting knife, ham radio) If you don't like it you can reroll it, Now you get: ( box of shotgun shells, 9mm magazine, 32. revolver, box of .556,)


Or the existing one could just be expanded on to include all skills all weapons more items and stuff like nails and thread, and lets you play on more maps. But i think this could be a super opportunity.

Edited by leon2356
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