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Build 41: Alternatives to dealing with zombies

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As some of you know, there are few ways to deal with zombies.


You can kite them with melee, use the guns (usually backfiring or not being very effective.) Using stealth (not consistent due to the randomness and respawns unlike other stealth games with actual patterns of enemies in a level.) Or leading them away from areas. If you're a engineer then you have a extra option of bombs (currently not worth investing into outside of 2-3 traps.)


Suggestion 1: What if players were incouraged to use the verticality of the game, such as leading zombies onto a roof, depending on the height this can outright kill them, or turn them into crawlers. (in their current state, they land like a super hero with no consequence, and recover from falling faster then the player.)


Suggestion 2: Electric fences, using a combination of metalworking and electric skill, incouraging the player to actually level up these skills for the reward of killing zombies that try to vault over it, and also the player if he/she does not turn it off from the outside. (this would likely need somethign to balance it, such as high fuel drain on a gen. And also still break if enough zombies vault over the electric fences at the same time.)


Suggestion 3: More buildables in carpentry and metalworking, there is a huge lack of customization, while I do think going out and collecting useless items for survival is fun, and often times dangerous for no reason it would be nice to have options with the mentioned two skills, maybe even electric combined with them. Example: Building your own version of reinforced doors you can find in banks, rosewood secret facility, police stations. Or something more simple like the doors that are mainly glass, or wood with a glass to view whats on the other side.


Suggestion 4: More alternative recipes for crafting within the existing crafting recipes. This idea is more inspired by cataclysm, though I do not expect it to match the same level or complexity as Cataclysm, it would be nice to have less straight forward options on some things. Take desperate crafting mod as a example of this, without completely ruining the balance of the game.

Edited by AuthenticPuncakes
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As a (somewhat recent) player, my take on these:


1.  From a realism standpoint, falling, I suppose it depends on whether they maintain a similar bone density as zombie as in humans, cause they aren't going to care about a sprained ankle.  A broken bone may physically prevent them from moving.


So long as its sort of adjustable i.e. some zombies are beefier than others, some crumple easy, I get it and kind of like it.


2.  That would be nice but could be game breaking, build electric fence around gas station = win.  I also think there's a big difference between having materials for electricky stuff and materials (i.e. large amounts of copper) to build a full blown, functional and sturdy electric fence where a break in the circuit dismantles the whole thing (i.e. electricity needs to form a circuit).  Seems an extremely ambitious task for a scavenging survivor from what I know about electrical stuff irl.


On the "game breaking" part of course if hostile human elements are added then possibly wouldn't be game breaking.


3.  I'd agree over time they should add to it.  Obviously there may be other priorities but that should be updated as time permits.


4.  Need more examples and unfamiliar with desperate so can't comment.

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