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Nocturnal Playstyle


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Does anyone else find themselves going against the traditional, "loot during day, sleep at night" mentality? I find my playthroughs much easier when I take cat's eye when creating my character and then reverse my sleep schedule on the first day. During the night, zeds can barely even see you, especially if you take inconspicuous as well, and if you take burglar as your occupation, then you have to basically be in right in front of a zed or sprinting to be noticed by them in the dark. Meanwhile, for the player, night becomes as visible as day, meaning there is literally no reason to go out during the day, as you will always be safer during the night. As an added bonus, an exploit to skip the helicopter event is, on the seventh day, to sleep at around 8AM, (which should be easy for you if you get the sleep schedule right) and at around 10AM you should hear the helicopter while still sleeping. Don't worry though, as while your sleeping, the helicopter does not attract any nearby zeds. If you weren't tired enough when you went to bed, you may wake up during the event, but there should be only a couple hours/minutes of it left, meaning you can just run away or drive briefly. I look at this forum and it seems that I'm the only one that plays like this. Any thoughts?

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This idea sounds very promising to me as i had very bad runs on 41 build (doing what i did in 40 with great success)  , it seems like zombies see and hear you from a mile a way and combat is impossible early on.

I will definitly try it and see how it goes.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I'd play this style but nights are too dark for me even with cat's eyes. I just don't want to deteriorate my real eyes. I wish there was high contrast nights so I can't see what my character can't see and I can clearly see what my character can.




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