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How to break into police car trunks without keys or replacing the car trunk.


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Here is a easy way to get into locked police car trunks without car keys or replacing the whole car trunk its self.


First get a weapon. Hammer, baseball bat, pen, etc. Then walk to the drivers side of the car and right click on the car, you may need to do this a few times until you find the sweet spot. When you do, on the drop down menu you should see the option, "Break window". Click that.



Your character will then break the driver side window. Then try to open the door and your character will climb through the broken window and get into the drivers seat. When you get into the drivers seat a dashboard will appear on the bottom of your screen. on the upper right side of the dashboard will be a green icon of a car.



Click that to unlock the trunk. Then climb out and get your ill gotten goods.


I don't know if this will open broken locks on trunks.

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