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I don't know how many games I've had completely scrapped by bad beats. Stupid moments like opening a door you know there's a zombie behind, then swinging in the complete wrong direction and getting bitten. In a life or death situation, there is a certain amount of self defense that happens automatically (and I know because I've been in a couple in real life). My suggestion is having a passive skill that wrestles with a single zombie that is trying to attack you so you have time to react. A skill that scales up with use with an increase in the delay before you get bitten or scratched. I'm talking from a quarter of a second to start with maybe one or two seconds at max level. Something. Anything to give a passive fighting chance instead of standing there with immersion crushing apathy while you have your life taken by a diseased rotting corpse.


Just a side note, I have over 200 hours on the game, so this is not something new to me or something that's going to stop me from playing. It's just something that has INFURIATED me from time to time. Sometimes I deserve my death. Other times, you can hear me scream profanity from across the street.

Edited by Spectre
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Not sure what your Idea is ?
You may need to elaborate on your new skill idea, How it may work and fit into the game mechanic.


There is a passive action used in defense via space-bar (windows). It pushed back the Z so you can get a swing. It levels up with the strength skill, is it an extension to that.?


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