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[IWBUMS] How is Survivor (Fighter) meant to be played?


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Hello, I've been playing mostly apocalypse lately, and I found it to be fun, the combat was kind of difficult, but as long as I managed zombies, I didn't have many problems, which was true to the "Stealth focus" description at the start. Now, today I've been trying the Fighter mode, and I can't seem to wrap my head around its difficulty 😕
The combat is indeed easier, there is a 3-zombie push, multiple zombies can be damaged at once, and three zombies won't oneshot me. However, the latter isn't really useful as if I get swarmed, I'll die much, Much quicker than I remembered it in the old builds. That, plus the fact that there are a Lot, so many zombies, everywhere, also deep in the woods, it has been a much more painful (and personally, frustrating, but that may be because I'm not too good :v) mode. Am I doing something wrong, is it meant to be this hard, or is it meant to be easier, so it'll get tweaked as time goes on?


(Also I'm starting in West point, but still)

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