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IWBUMS Build 41 Crash Startup


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Hola chicos, mi juego sigue fallando cuando intento iniciar un nuevo juego


Estoy jugando con un Intel Core i7-7500U 2.70Ghz, placa base HP 8367, VideoCard: Intel HD Graphics 620, 12gb RAM


Este es el console.txt


LOG: General, 1571553927236> LoggerManager.init> Inicializando ...
LOG: General, 1571553927536> cachedir configurado en "C: \ Users \ Andrea \ Zomboid"
LOG: General, 1571553929955> 20-10-2019 02:45:29
LOG : General, 1571553929993> cachedir es "C: \ Users \ Andrea \ Zomboid"
LOG: General, 1571553930002> LogFileDir es "C: \ Users \ Andrea \ Zomboid \ Logs"
LOG: General, 1571553930012> - propiedades de listado -
LOG : General, 1571553930021> java.runtime.name = Java (TM) SE Runtime Environment
LOG: General, 1571553930029> sun.boot.library.path = C: \ Archivos de programa (x86) \ Steam \ steamapp ...
LOG: General , 1571553930037> java.vm.version = 25.121-b13
LOG: General, 1571553930045> java.vm.vendor = Oracle Corporation
LOG: General, 1571553930055> java.vendor.url = http: //java.oracle.com/
LOG: General, 1571553930063> path.separator =;
LOG: General, 1571553930071> java.vm.name = Java HotSpot (TM) 64-Bit Server VM
LOG: General, 1571553930079> file.encoding.pkg = sun.io
LOG: General, 1571553930087> user.script =
LOG: General , 1571553930095> user.country = VE
LOG: General, 1571553930102> sun.os.patch.level =
LOG: General, 1571553930109> java.vm.specification.name = Java Virtual Machine Specification
LOG: General, 1571553930114> user.dir = C: \ Archivos de programa (x86) \ Steam \ steamapp ...
LOG: General, 1571553930121> java.runtime.version = 1.8.0_121-b13
LOG: General, 1571553930131> java.awt.graphicsenv = sun.awt.
LOG: General, 1571553930140> java.endorsed.dirs = C: \ Archivos de programa (x86) \ Steam \ steamapp ...
LOG: General, 1571553930234> os.arch = amd64
LOG: General, 1571553930252> java.io.tmpdir = C: \ Users \ Andrea \ AppData \ Local \ Temp \
LOG: General, 1571553930267> line.separator =

LOG  : General, 1571553930281> java.vm.specification.vendor=Oracle Corporation
LOG  : General, 1571553930292> user.variant=
LOG  : General, 1571553930302> os.name=Windows 10
LOG  : General, 1571553930311> sun.jnu.encoding=Cp1252
LOG  : General, 1571553930321> zomboid.steam=1
LOG  : General, 1571553930330> java.library.path=natives/;.
LOG  : General, 1571553930339> java.specification.name=Java Platform API Specification
LOG  : General, 1571553930347> java.class.version=52.0
LOG  : General, 1571553930357> sun.management.compiler=HotSpot 64-Bit Tiered Compilers
LOG  : General, 1571553930366> zomboid.znetlog=1
LOG  : General, 1571553930522> os.version=10.0
LOG  : General, 1571553930538> user.home=C:\Users\Andrea
LOG  : General, 1571553930548> user.timezone=America/Caracas
LOG  : General, 1571553930557> java.awt.printerjob=sun.awt.windows.WPrinterJob
LOG  : General, 1571553930567> file.encoding=Cp1252
LOG  : General, 1571553930577> java.specification.version=1.8
LOG  : General, 1571553930588> user.name=Andrea
LOG  : General, 1571553930598> java.class.path=.;jinput.jar;lwjgl.jar;lwjgl_util.jar...
LOG  : General, 1571553930606> java.vm.specification.version=1.8
LOG  : General, 1571553930614> sun.arch.data.model=64
LOG  : General, 1571553930625> java.home=C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapp...
LOG  : General, 1571553930636> java.specification.vendor=Oracle Corporation
LOG  : General, 1571553930866> user.language=es
LOG  : General, 1571553930879> awt.toolkit=sun.awt.windows.WToolkit
LOG  : General, 1571553930891> java.vm.info=mixed mode
LOG  : General, 1571553930904> java.version=1.8.0_121
LOG  : General, 1571553930917> java.ext.dirs=C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapp...
LOG  : General, 1571553930927> sun.boot.class.path=C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapp...
LOG  : General, 1571553930937> sun.stderr.encoding=cp437
LOG  : General, 1571553930947> java.vendor=Oracle Corporation
LOG  : General, 1571553930957> file.separator=\
LOG  : General, 1571553930967> java.vendor.url.bug=http://bugreport.sun.com/bugreport/
LOG  : General, 1571553930978> sun.cpu.endian=little
LOG  : General, 1571553930987> sun.io.unicode.encoding=UnicodeLittle
LOG  : General, 1571553930997> sun.stdout.encoding=cp437
LOG  : General, 1571553931006> sun.desktop=windows
LOG  : General, 1571553931016> sun.cpu.isalist=amd64
LOG  : General, 1571553931027> -----
LOG  : General, 1571553931036> versionNumber=41.14 - IWBUMS demo=false
LOG  : General, 1571553931972> unknown option "-high"
LOG  : General, 1571553932766> LightingFPS set to 15
LOG  : General, 1571553932973> closest width=320 freq=40
LOG  : General, 1571553932981> closest width=1680 freq=40
LOG  : General, 1571553932988> closest width=1680 freq=60
LOG  : General, 1571553933662> OpenGL version: 4.5.0 - Build
LOG  : General, 1571553933689> Desktop resolution 1920x1080
LOG  : General, 1571553933705> Initial resolution 1920x1080 fullScreen=true
LOG  : General, 1571553933736> OpenGL 1.5 buffer objects supported
LOG  : General, 1571553934702> [javafmodJNI] Init: Start
LOG  : General, 1571553934709> [javafmodJNI] Init: WIN 64
LOG  : General, 1571553935697> 1571553935697 fmod: Java loging: OK
LOG  : General, 1571553935709> 1571553935709 fmod: System Create: OK
LOG  : General, 1571553937637> 1571553937637 fmod: Create DSP for capture sound
LOG  : General, 1571553960299> Loading networking libraries...
LOG  : General, 1571553960308> Loading steam_api64...
LOG  : General, 1571553960339> Loading RakNet64...
LOG  : General, 1571553960652> Loading ZNetJNI64...
LOG  : General, 1571553960824> 1571553960824 znet: ZNet loaded
LOG  : General, 1571553960837> 1571553960837 znet: Compiled with SERVER_STEAMAPI == 0
LOG  : General, 1571553960841> 1571553960841 znet: Starting with bServer == false
LOG  : General, 1571553960852> 1571553960852 znet: SteamAPI initialised successfully
LOG  : General, 1571553960862> SteamUtils initialised successfully
LOG  : General, 1571553960981> 1571553960981 znet: Java_zombie_core_znet_SteamWorkshop_n_1Init
LOG  : General, 1571553961621> translator: language is ES
LOG  : General, 1571553962710> ERROR: Missing translation "UI_Loading_Mods"
LOG  : General, 1571553963850> translator: language is ES
LOG  : General, 1571553963946> texturepack: loading UI
LOG  : General, 1571553964169> texturepack: loading UI2
LOG  : General, 1571553964403> texturepack: loading IconsMoveables
LOG  : General, 1571553964438> texturepack: loading RadioIcons
LOG  : General, 1571553964466> texturepack: loading ApComUI
LOG  : General, 1571553964496> texturepack: loading Mechanics
LOG  : General, 1571553964531> texturepack: loading WeatherFx
WARN : Script, 1571553973767> VehicleScript.Loaded> vehicle "SmallCar" extents != physicsChassisShape
WARN : Recipe, 1571553974505> RecipeManager.Loaded> ERROR: can't find recipe source "Vest" in recipe "Wash Clothing"
WARN : Recipe, 1571553974512> RecipeManager.Loaded> ERROR: can't find recipe source "Shirt" in recipe "Wash Clothing"
WARN : Recipe, 1571553974520> RecipeManager.Loaded> ERROR: can't find recipe source "Skirt" in recipe "Wash Clothing"
WARN : Recipe, 1571553974527> RecipeManager.Loaded> ERROR: can't find recipe source "Blouse" in recipe "Wash Clothing"
WARN : Recipe, 1571553974534> RecipeManager.Loaded> ERROR: can't find recipe source "Shoes" in recipe "Wash Clothing"
WARN : Recipe, 1571553974541> RecipeManager.Loaded> ERROR: can't find recipe source "ShortsLong" in recipe "Wash Clothing"
WARN : Recipe, 1571553974550> RecipeManager.Loaded> ERROR: can't find recipe source "Jacket" in recipe "Wash Clothing"
WARN : Recipe, 1571553974556> RecipeManager.Loaded> ERROR: can't find recipe source "PaddedJacket" in recipe "Wash Clothing"
WARN : Recipe, 1571553974565> RecipeManager.Loaded> ERROR: can't find recipe source "PaddedTrousers" in recipe "Wash Clothing"
WARN : Recipe, 1571553974573> RecipeManager.Loaded> ERROR: can't find recipe result "Vest" in recipe "Wash Clothing"
WARN : Recipe, 1571553974581> RecipeManager.Loaded> ERROR: can't find recipe source "Vest" in recipe "Wash Clothing"
WARN : Recipe, 1571553974590> RecipeManager.Loaded> ERROR: can't find recipe source "Shirt" in recipe "Wash Clothing"
WARN : Recipe, 1571553974596> RecipeManager.Loaded> ERROR: can't find recipe source "Skirt" in recipe "Wash Clothing"
WARN : Recipe, 1571553974602> RecipeManager.Loaded> ERROR: can't find recipe source "Blouse" in recipe "Wash Clothing"
WARN : Recipe, 1571553974607> RecipeManager.Loaded> ERROR: can't find recipe source "Shoes" in recipe "Wash Clothing"
WARN : Recipe, 1571553974615> RecipeManager.Loaded> ERROR: can't find recipe source "ShortsLong" in recipe "Wash Clothing"
WARN : Recipe, 1571553974622> RecipeManager.Loaded> ERROR: can't find recipe source "Jacket" in recipe "Wash Clothing"
WARN : Recipe, 1571553974630> RecipeManager.Loaded> ERROR: can't find recipe source "PaddedJacket" in recipe "Wash Clothing"
WARN : Recipe, 1571553974639> RecipeManager.Loaded> ERROR: can't find recipe source "PaddedTrousers" in recipe "Wash Clothing"
WARN : Recipe, 1571553974647> RecipeManager.Loaded> ERROR: can't find recipe result "Vest" in recipe "Wash Clothing"
WARN : Script, 1571553974752> ModelScript.check> no such model "null" for Base.BareHands
WARN : Script, 1571553974760> ModelScript.check> no such model "DisposableRazor" for Base.Razor
WARN : Script, 1571553974769> ModelScript.check> no such model "Chainsaw" for Base.Chainsaw
WARN : Script, 1571553974777> ModelScript.checkTexture> no such texture "Pillow" for Base.Pillow
LOG  : General, 1571553975496> AngelCodeFont failed to load page 0 texture C:/Program Files (x86)/Steam/steamapps/common/ProjectZomboid/media/fonts/zomboidDialogue.bmfc_0.png
LOG  : General, 1571553975653> AngelCodeFont failed to load page 0 texture C:/Program Files (x86)/Steam/steamapps/common/ProjectZomboid/media/font/test_0.tga
LOG  : General, 1571553975662> AngelCodeFont failed to load page 1 texture C:/Program Files (x86)/Steam/steamapps/common/ProjectZomboid/media/font/test_1.tga
LOG  : General, 1571553975671> AngelCodeFont failed to load page 2 texture C:/Program Files (x86)/Steam/steamapps/common/ProjectZomboid/media/font/test_2.tga
LOG  : General, 1571553975712> AngelCodeFont failed to load page 0 texture C:/Program Files (x86)/Steam/steamapps/common/ProjectZomboid/media/font/test_0.tga
LOG  : General, 1571553975719> AngelCodeFont failed to load page 1 texture C:/Program Files (x86)/Steam/steamapps/common/ProjectZomboid/media/font/test_1.tga
LOG  : General, 1571553975727> AngelCodeFont failed to load page 2 texture C:/Program Files (x86)/Steam/steamapps/common/ProjectZomboid/media/font/test_2.tga
LOG  : General, 1571553976947> WARNING: Found unknown Windows version: Windows 10
LOG  : General, 1571553976959> Attempting to use default windows plug-in.
LOG  : General, 1571553976970> Loading: zombie.core.input.XInputEnvironmentPlugin
LOG  : General, 1571553977159> Loading: net.java.games.input.DirectAndRawInputEnvironmentPlugin
LOG  : General, 1571553999832> runUnitTest_direction
LOG  : General, 1571553999853> x, y, angle, length, rdir.x, rdir.y, rangle, rlength, pass
LOG  : General, 1571553999949> 1,000000, 0,000000, 0,000000, 1,000000, 1,000000, 0,000000, 0,000000, 1,000000, true
LOG  : General, 1571553999968> 1,000000, 1,000000, 0,785398, 1,414214, 1,000000, 1,000000, 0,785398, 1,414214, true
LOG  : General, 1571553999978> 0,000000, 1,000000, 1,570796, 1,000000, 0,000000, 1,000000, 1,570796, 1,000000, true
LOG  : General, 1571553999989> -1,000000, 1,000000, 2,356195, 1,414214, -1,000000, 1,000000, 2,356195, 1,414214, true
LOG  : General, 1571553999999> -1,000000, 0,000000, -3,141593, 1,000000, -1,000000, 0,000000, -3,141593, 1,000000, true
LOG  : General, 1571554000010> -1,000000, -1,000000, -2,356194, 1,414214, -1,000000, -1,000000, -2,356194, 1,414214, true
LOG  : General, 1571554000024> 0,000000, -1,000000, -1,570796, 1,000000, -0,000000, -1,000000, -1,570796, 1,000000, true
LOG  : General, 1571554000035> 1,000000, -1,000000, -0,785398, 1,414214, 1,000000, -1,000000, -0,785398, 1,414214, true
LOG  : General, 1571554000042> runUnitTest_direction. Complete
WARN : Lua, 1571554013980> LuaManager$GlobalObject.require> require("Camping/camping_fuel") failed
WARN : Lua, 1571554013992> LuaManager$GlobalObject.require> require("Camping/camping_tent") failed
WARN : Lua, 1571554014821> LuaManager$GlobalObject.require> require("ISUI/ISSliderPanel") failed
WARN : Lua, 1571554018902> LuaManager$GlobalObject.require> require("Camping/camping_fuel") failed
LOG  : General, 1571554023680> MISSING in SettingsTable: ChatStreams
LOG  : General, 1571554023686> MISSING in SettingsTable: SpawnPoint
LOG  : General, 1571554023693> MISSING in SettingsTable: Mods
LOG  : General, 1571554023698> MISSING in SettingsTable: Map
LOG  : General, 1571554023706> MISSING in SettingsTable: DiscordChannelID
LOG  : General, 1571554023713> MISSING in SettingsTable: SteamPort2
LOG  : General, 1571554023719> MISSING in SettingsTable: WorkshopItems
LOG  : General, 1571554023725> MISSING in SettingsTable: CoopServerLaunchTimeout
LOG  : General, 1571554023730> MISSING in SettingsTable: CoopMasterPingTimeout
LOG  : General, 1571554023737> MISSING in SettingsTable: server_browser_announced_ip
LOG  : General, 1571554023744> MISSING in SettingsTable: UseTCPForMapDownloads
LOG  : General, 1571554023751> MISSING in SettingsTable: BanKickGlobalSound
LOG  : General, 1571554023756> MISSING in SettingsTable: ZombieUpdateMaxHighPriority
LOG  : General, 1571554023763> MISSING in SettingsTable: ZombieUpdateDelta
LOG  : General, 1571554023769> MISSING in SettingsTable: ZombieUpdateRadiusLowPriority
LOG  : General, 1571554023776> MISSING in SettingsTable: ZombieUpdateRadiusHighPriority
LOG  : General, 1571554023784> MISSING in SettingsTable: StartYear
LOG  : General, 1571554023791> MISSING in SettingsTable: AttackBlockMovements
WARN : Lua, 1571554024912> LuaManager$GlobalObject.require> require("Camping/camping_fuel") failed
LOG  : General, 1571554029646> OnLoadSoundbanks
LOG  : General, 1571554029657> texturepack: loading Tiles2x
LOG  : General, 1571554032339> texturepack: loading Overlays2x
LOG  : General, 1571554032421> texturepack: loading JumboTrees2x
LOG  : General, 1571554032621> texturepack: loading Tiles2x.floor
LOG  : General, 1571554032758> LOADED UP A TOTAL OF 8 TEXTURES
LOG  : General, 1571554032839> TextureFBO.checkFBOSupport> OpenGL 3.0 framebuffer objects supported
LOG  : General, 1571554036857> [VOICE MANAGER] Init: Start
LOG  : General, 1571554036863> [VOICE MANAGER] Disabled
LOG  : General, 1571554037570> STATE: enter zombie.gameStates.TISLogoState
LOG  : General, 1571554039105> STATE: exit zombie.gameStates.TISLogoState
LOG  : General, 1571554039114> STATE: enter zombie.gameStates.MainScreenState
LOG  : General, 1571554042419> reading C:\Users\Andrea\Zomboid\Sandbox Presets\New.cfg
LOG  : General, 1571554042478> reading C:\Users\Andrea\Zomboid\Sandbox Presets\Work.cfg
LOG  : General, 1571554287992> STATE: exit zombie.gameStates.MainScreenState
LOG  : General, 1571554287999> LOADED UP A TOTAL OF 125 TEXTURES
LOG  : General, 1571554288281> STATE: enter zombie.gameStates.GameLoadingState
LOG  : General, 1571554288520> Savefile name is "20-10-2019_02-47-22"
LOG  : General, 1571554291928> SafeMode is off
LOG  : General, 1571554292596> BaseVehicle.LoadAllVehicleTextures...
LOG  : General, 1571554292680> IsoMetaGrid.Create: begin scanning directories
LOG  : General, 1571554292690> Looking in these map folders:
LOG  : General, 1571554292704>     C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\ProjectZomboid\media\maps\Riverside, KY
LOG  : General, 1571554292712>     C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\ProjectZomboid\media\maps\Rosewood, KY
LOG  : General, 1571554292718>     C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\ProjectZomboid\media\maps\Muldraugh, KY
LOG  : General, 1571554292728>     C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\ProjectZomboid\media\maps\West Point, KY
LOG  : General, 1571554292739> <End of map-folders list>
LOG  : General, 1571554292770> IsoMetaGrid.Create: finished scanning directories in 0.09 seconds
LOG  : General, 1571554292787> IsoMetaGrid.Create: begin loading
LOG  : General, 1571554292822> using spawn region Muldraugh, KY
LOG  : General, 1571554292854> 12 possible spawn points
LOG  : General, 1571554292891> tiledef: loading media/tiledefinitions.tiles
LOG  : General, 1571554293047> tiledef: loading media/newtiledefinitions.tiles
LOG  : General, 1571554293630> tiledef: loading media/tiledefinitions_erosion.tiles
LOG  : General, 1571554293834> tiledef: loading media/tiledefinitions_apcom.tiles
LOG  : General, 1571554293923> tiledef: loading media/tiledefinitions_overlays.tiles
LOG  : General, 1571554294232> tiledef: loading media/tiledefinitions.tiles
LOG  : General, 1571554294726> tiledef: loading media/newtiledefinitions.tiles
LOG  : General, 1571554294955> MOVABLES: Object has only one face defined for group: (Streetname Sign) sheet = street_decoration_01
LOG  : General, 1571554295022> MOVABLES: Not all members have a valid face defined for group: (Streetname Sign) sheet = street_decoration_01
LOG  : General, 1571554295120> MOVABLES: Object only has 3 sprites, _might_ have a error in settings, group: (Tattoo Parlor Sign) sheet = location_shop_accessories_genericsigns_01
LOG  : General, 1571554295241> MOVABLES: Object only has 3 sprites, _might_ have a error in settings, group: (Bail Bonds Sign) sheet = location_shop_accessories_genericsigns_01
LOG  : General, 1571554295282> MOVABLES: Object only has 3 sprites, _might_ have a error in settings, group: (Pony Roam-o Sign) sheet = signs_one-off_01
LOG  : General, 1571554295372> tiledef: loading media/tiledefinitions_erosion.tiles
LOG  : General, 1571554295461> tiledef: loading media/tiledefinitions_apcom.tiles
LOG  : General, 1571554295572> tiledef: loading media/tiledefinitions_overlays.tiles
LOG  : General, 1571554296055> 
LOG  : General, 1571554296099> ################## Radio Init ##################
LOG  : General, 1571554296141> :: Searching for radio data files:
LOG  : General, 1571554296177> Reading xml: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\ProjectZomboid\media\radio\RadioData.xml
LOG  : General, 1571554296940> RadioData nodes len: 1
LOG  : General, 1571554297034> Reading RootInfo...
LOG  : General, 1571554297116> RootInfo found
LOG  : General, 1571554297188> Found element: SourceFile
LOG  : General, 1571554297275> Found element: FileGUID
LOG  : General, 1571554297332> GUID = b73aa63e-6286-4c32-9e48-3b0024c22b51
LOG  : General, 1571554297369> Found element: Version
LOG  : General, 1571554297423> Version = 0
LOG  : General, 1571554297465> valid file: true
LOG  : General, 1571554297495>  Found file: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\ProjectZomboid\media\radio\RadioData.xml
LOG  : General, 1571554297544> :: Searching for translation files:
LOG  : General, 1571554297928>  Found file: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\ProjectZomboid\media\radio\RadioData_DE.txt
LOG  : General, 1571554298064>  Adding translation: b73aa63e-6286-4c32-9e48-3b0024c22b51
LOG  : General, 1571554300624>  Found file: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\ProjectZomboid\media\radio\RadioData_ES.txt
LOG  : General, 1571554300637>  Adding translation: b73aa63e-6286-4c32-9e48-3b0024c22b51
LOG  : General, 1571554301466>  Found file: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\ProjectZomboid\media\radio\RadioData_FR.txt
LOG  : General, 1571554301488>  Adding translation: b73aa63e-6286-4c32-9e48-3b0024c22b51
LOG  : General, 1571554302009>  Found file: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\ProjectZomboid\media\radio\RadioData_JP.txt
LOG  : General, 1571554302022>  Adding translation: b73aa63e-6286-4c32-9e48-3b0024c22b51
LOG  : General, 1571554302504>  Found file: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\ProjectZomboid\media\radio\RadioData_PL.txt
LOG  : General, 1571554302541>  Adding translation: b73aa63e-6286-4c32-9e48-3b0024c22b51
LOG  : General, 1571554302690>  Found file: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\ProjectZomboid\media\radio\RadioData_RU.txt
LOG  : General, 1571554302705>  Adding translation: b73aa63e-6286-4c32-9e48-3b0024c22b51
LOG  : General, 1571554303245>  Found file: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\ProjectZomboid\media\radio\RadioData_TR.txt
LOG  : General, 1571554303256>  Adding translation: b73aa63e-6286-4c32-9e48-3b0024c22b51
LOG  : General, 1571554303264> Attempting to load translation: ES
LOG  : General, 1571554303275> Translation found!
LOG  : General, 1571554303309> Count = 8856
LOG  : General, 1571554303696>  Adding (vanilla) file: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\ProjectZomboid\media\radio\RadioData.xml
LOG  : General, 1571554303736>  - GUID: b73aa63e-6286-4c32-9e48-3b0024c22b51
LOG  : General, 1571554303772> Radio loaded.
LOG  : General, 1571554303784> ################################################
LOG  : General, 1571554303797> 
LOG  : General, 1571554307589> IsoMetaGrid.Create: finished loading in 14.791 seconds
LOG  : General, 1571554307597> can't find map objects file: media/maps/West Point, KY/objects.lua
LOG  : General, 1571554307714> ERROR: not adding suspicious zone "" "" 12929,1554,0 1x2
LOG  : General, 1571554307854> ERROR: not adding suspicious zone "" "Vegitation" 9027,7530,9 179x10
LOG  : General, 1571554307865> ERROR: not adding suspicious zone "" "Vegitation" 9206,7527,9 10x13
LOG  : General, 1571554307877> ERROR: not adding suspicious zone "" "Vegitation" 9204,7527,9 2x3
LOG  : General, 1571554307886> ERROR: not adding suspicious zone "" "Forest" 9216,7527,9 10x13
LOG  : General, 1571554307892> ERROR: not adding suspicious zone "" "Forest" 9027,7540,9 199x15
LOG  : General, 1571554307898> ERROR: not adding suspicious zone "" "DeepForest" 9226,7527,9 101x300
LOG: General, 1571554307905> ERROR: no se agrega zona sospechosa "" "DeepForest" 9027,7555,9 199x272
LOG: General, 1571554308018> no se puede encontrar el archivo de objetos del mapa: media / maps / Rosewood, KY / objects.lua
LOG: General, 1571554308036> no se puede encontrar el archivo de objetos del mapa: media / maps / Riverside, KY / objects.lua
LOG: General, 1571554308066> Max #ZONES en un fragmento es 25

Edited by thenejro
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Can you try creating a character without changing any of the looks / clothes / traits? Just click through the creation process and see if the game launches, I saw a similar issue happen and I want to know if it is the same bug in this case.
Also, can you upload the "logs.zip" file from the zomboid folder as well? For further information.

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