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Randomised house chance?


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Hi Guys,

Awesome job on the new update, I'm really looking forward to sinking my teeth into it and finally surviving a year!

I have a question about the sandbox setting of Randomised house chance


The description says:

Increase/decrease possibility of discovering randomised houses on the map; either burnt out, containing loot stashes, dead survivor bodies etc


My question is how often does the game check for this?

Is it only when the world is initially created or, is it checked post creation as well?


My reason for asking is that I usually play on a small server for friends and family.

During a period of about 2 months in game play we've probably lost 30-50% of the houses in Rosewood due to them being burnt out.

I know it's not down to the old "did you leave the oven on Honey?" or acts of arson by a fellow player.

The only thing I could put it down to is that the server is set to restart (shutdown then restart) everyday and maybe the game is checking this setting every time this happens?

Thoughts please :)


p.s this was pre build 40 release.

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one thing i have noticed with server restarts is certain conditions are reset. for example my group setup camp in the mall to prove it was doable but we then tweaked a setting and had to reboot the server when we logged back in the mall zombies had been respawned as they are part of the core config in all playthroughs. no matter the setup you will get a base level of zombies in the mall. we cleared them again and restarted to test the theory and they came back once more.


on this basis i suspect the randomized house is a server /game start setting although it probably shouldn't be.


then there is always the chance someone is lieing to you. my group swore black is white that they wernt doing anything but every time i got in a car the wheels fell off. it turned out one of them had found my base and was letting the air out of the tyres when i wasnt looking

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