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cool daddy shark

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I think it'd be really handy to have megaphones. There have been countless times I don't have or want to use a siren/horn or a gun and I want to see if the area surrounding has zombies in it (and later people.)



1) Increases VOIP range for multiplayer.

2) Can be used to enhance player shout with when used with the primary slot.

3) Can be used to attract zombies and bring them away as an alternative to guns.

4) Has a wail feature that can be turned on and dropped on the ground until the battery goes dead.




1) Storage units, warehouses, garages.

2) As part of the gear in the back of a squad car.

3) Police or Fire Department




1) More practical than firing off a gun

2) Can be used to move select areas of zombies out of the way.

3) Wildly more practical than carrying a duffel bag filled with alarm clocks and watches.




1) You are broadcasting yourself to potential bad actors and dead people.

2) It requires batteries

3) The actual range is lower than a siren, gunshot, or horn and can only be used in smaller areas to great effect.

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On 03.09.2018 at 1:46 AM, sharkstertheshark said:

I think it'd be really handy to have megaphones. There have been countless times I don't have or want to use a siren/horn or a gun and I want to see if the area surrounding has zombies in it (and later people.)



1) Increases VOIP range for multiplayer.

2) Can be used to enhance player shout with when used with the primary slot.

3) Can be used to attract zombies and bring them away as an alternative to guns.

4) Has a wail feature that can be turned on and dropped on the ground until the battery goes dead.




1) Storage units, warehouses, garages.

2) As part of the gear in the back of a squad car.

3) Police or Fire Department




1) More practical than firing off a gun

2) Can be used to move select areas of zombies out of the way.

3) Wildly more practical than carrying a duffel bag filled with alarm clocks and watches.




1) You are broadcasting yourself to potential bad actors and dead people.

2) It requires batteries

3) The actual range is lower than a siren, gunshot, or horn and can only be used in smaller areas to great effect.

this sounds usefull...like taping  speakers to back of your cars trunk would be awesome ! or runng with a megaphone like a crazy person. lol that would be hilarious ,i like it.

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