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Currently, character doesn't even feel pain when he get hit by zombire or blunt weapon like frying pan (But I think that he should), so I decided to suggest a new type of injure that blunt weapon can do — bruises.

Bruises appear in short time after getting hit and cause minor pain (and Pain if trying to do something with it). It doesn't need extra medication to heal it, but you can speed up healing by ?applying bandage?

Bruises, usually, disappear in 1-2 days, so it won't be a injure that you need to worry about. :)

Edited by Burger_Time
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20 hours ago, grammarsalad said:

I completely agree. The game needs more ways to hurt yourself


Hell yes! Give us the opportunity to:


 - Temporarily deafen ourselves when we fire a gun in enclosed environments (possibly negated with earplugs)

 - Temporarily blind ourselves by welding without eye protection

 - Risk driving a nail through our hand with low carpentry skill

 - Risk burning ourselves or slicing a finger open with low cooking skill

 - Twist our ankle when running through the woods in a blind panic


We can always use more chances to injure ourselves (especially through our own stupidity) in Project Zomboid.


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  • 2 weeks later...
On 11/08/2018 at 2:49 PM, Octopus said:


Hell yes! Give us the opportunity to:


 - Temporarily deafen ourselves when we fire a gun in enclosed environments (possibly negated with earplugs)

 - Temporarily blind ourselves by welding without eye protection

 - Risk driving a nail through our hand with low carpentry skill

 - Risk burning ourselves or slicing a finger open with low cooking skill

 - Twist our ankle when running through the woods in a blind panic


We can always use more chances to injure ourselves (especially through our own stupidity) in Project Zomboid.


That seems like very good realistic bruises to get! Especially since getting hurt very often means being infected in my games, never letting me upgrade the medical skill of even one level x)

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