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[ 39.67.5] The disappearance of cooked food from the stove.


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I write through Google translator.

Friends, good afternoon, I am a fashion developer, and I have the following problem, in multiplayer, I added cookies. I add them to the stove, they get ready, but when I transfer them to the inventory - they disappear in 3 seconds, in a single player this code works fine, and nothing disappears. What could I miss?

Liver code under the spoiler:

	recipe RoastingBiscuitsBlack
	   destroy RoastingPan,
	   destroy PastryDough,
	   destroy Chocolate,


    item RawBiscuitsBlack
	    Weight	=	0.4,
	    Type	=	Food,
	    DisplayName	=	Raw Biscuits Black,
	    Icon	=	RawBiscuitsBlack,
	    ReplaceOnCooked   = CraftRUServerRP.FinishedBiscuitsBlack,
	    IsCookable	=	TRUE,
	    MinutesToCook	=	40,
	    MinutesToBurn	=	80,

    item FinishedBiscuitsBlack
		Type				=			Food,
		DisplayName			=		    Finished Biscuits Black,
		Icon				=			FinishedBiscuitsBlack,
		ReplaceOnUse		= 			RoastingPan,
	    IsCookable			=			TRUE,
	    MinutesToCook		=			0,
	    MinutesToBurn		=			20,
		Weight				=			0.4,

    recipe Make BiscuitsBlack

	item BiscuitsBlack
        Type	=	Food,
		Weight	=	0.05,
		Icon	=	BiscuitsBlack,
		DisplayName	=	Biscuits Black,
		HungerChange	=	-5,
		ThirstChange	=	+5,
		UnhappyChange	=	-30,
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16 hours ago, undvoice said:


I write through Google translator.

Friends, good afternoon, I am a fashion developer, and I have the following problem, in multiplayer, I added cookies. I add them to the stove, they get ready, but when I transfer them to the inventory - they disappear in 3 seconds, in a single player this code works fine, and nothing disappears. What could I miss?


Hey undvoice,


his looks like a MOD issue, you're better off notifying the creator.

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