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0.39 Fishing and trapping in winter.


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Did the update brought any changes to those professions?


I never had problems fishing and catching rabbits in winter before, but now I think I have spent some 10 days without getting anything at all, and I mean ANYTHING.


Using Cage traps and cabagges for rabbits (trapping 2)


Fishing pole and Lures for fish (Fishing 0)


Thanks in advance.

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As of 38.30 build (when I came back) and presumably 39.67.5 (which I'm just trying), fishes can be caught year round. Sure, initially it takes a lot of time to catch anything when your level is low (I don't get that since I'm on real-time and fish on the fastest speed-up available, but it does take quite a lot of attempts to raise the skill and eventually turn out something good… at least in late december in my last game :))


I've experienced some difficulties in 38.30 with trapping, after a while my traps would not work anymore (even with moving away and waiting 2 hours just to be sure it was unseen an hour, then coming back regularly*). Trapping has been increased/fixed in 39.67.5 (check the patch notes).


*Seems trapping "tick" on the hour and work when unseen from a specific distance. I'll let you figure out the best way to deal with that an check on your trap regularly.

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