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Gluttony's Profession Mod


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I've been working on a profession mod for our RP server - AGN New Dawn.

Link on Steam: http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=913317143

What does it add?

- Several new professions
- Several core professions changed
- Upgraded stats for all new professions

- Starting books from Hydrocraft Mod based on what profession is chosen (Hydrocraft Required)

- Several new traits from the New Trait Mod (New Trait Mod not required)

Intended Updates:
- More Professions based on Server needs.
- Balancing of skills and costs

- Negative traits

- Images for all professions and traits

- Skills added instead of hydrocraft books

- Starting items based on chosen professions


The mod DOES work, and we are playing it on our server - it currently shows language errors, so one final step will be adding language translations.

If you want to try out the mod in a server environment, please visit us on AGN at: https://newdawn.aggressivegaming.org/

Edited by Pann
accidental submittion
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Suggestion for negative traits. I'll add to this list as I think of them.


Blind +10

Tourettes (You randomly yell profanity.) +5
Elderly (Reduced Movement Speed / Vision / Hearing / Higher Rate of Exertion) +15

Glutton ( Like hearty appetite but it requires eating more food in order to fill yourself. ) 6

Violent (Becomes sad when long periods of time go by without a fight.)

Crippled (Permanent broken bonken leg status) +15

Edited by Jack Bower
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2 hours ago, Jack Bower said:

Tourettes (You randomly yell profanity.) +5

We added this one on our server a several weeks ago. The condition is actually Coprolalia, not Tourettes. Its strongly associated with Tourettes syndrome though, exhibited by approximately 10% of of the people afflicted with Tourettes (I did some research before adding in this trait).

In our version it makes a noise with a 20-40 tile radius when it goes off, and its funny as hell in game. We gave it as 10 extra points because It can be damn near impossible to sneak around, or even have a safehouse in any area around Z's...you kinda have to go hide in the woods with it.

Trying to run away from hordes and lose them can be a real problem when your character keeps yelling at them swearing :lol:

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