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Super Survivors!


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EDIT: **Released** --> http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1331826879


Direct Download: http://undeniable.info/pz/SuperSurvivors.zip


As some of you know, over the past few weeks I've been working a new version that intends to work on vehicles build and handle many of the reported problems and issues reported over the past while. As well as add some new features and Improved AI!  So whats different? Let's take a look.

Let's get the Bad News out of the way first

Problems that still have not been fully resolved, and really cannot be without java side edits which we don't want:

  • Pathfinding Freezes/Delay.  If there is a lot of stuff going on in the cell like zombies hording towards a big sound, Survivors can have a lot of delay before they calculate a path to where they are wanting to go and therefore, may appear frozen in place even though they are trying to move or run away but are waiting for the response of the Path-finding algorithm.
  • New issue since vehicle build path-find change is that certain building windows in certain places on the map, seem to have an incorrect property set which causes a survivor to think they are able to walk through it, when obviously they cant.  Calling said survivor to you if they are stuck can get them un stuck
  • MP is still a No

Problems that have been fixed!:

  • Random Survivor Despawn.  No more random disappearances of your loved survivors! Survivors are now saved in a map table which is saved many times per minute, which gets loaded at the start of the game.  There is no way your survivor is going to disappear until he dies and his save file is deleted by the OnDeath event.
  • PVP System improved, No more friendly fire on group members when PVP is on.
  • Survivors can now Sprint!
  • Very noticeable performance / efficiency boost.  The whole mod was totally re-written.  Much more organized and clean, potential for growth is great now. Compared to Normal Survivors mod, FPS is great, no lag or stuttering (caused by this mod)
  • Bleach Suicides. Survivors no longer consider Bleach and other poisonous "foods" as food.
  • Bad Food Choices. Survivors no longer just grab random food but will make a more intelligent choice, choosing cooked and spoil able foods first.
  • Endless Door Open Attempts. Survivors will no longer stand there in an infinite loop trying to open a locked door that's not gonna open. They will try entry through a window or give up trying to get in.
  • Barricade Building Order Fixed.  Didn't work at all before, now it does.
  • Woodbury, Military Blockade, Prison, Hilltop Spawn points fixed.  The option to spawn in these places on a new game was gone, now it is back!
  • Enter Vehicles.  Survivors will now enter the real Vehicles from the vehicles build assuming there is a free seat, they will get in if following you when you are in said vehicle. Note Survivors will not get into vehicles from car mod anymore.
  • Feed me I'm a Baby. Before survivors in an order state like guard or patrol would not feed themselves. Now they will eat or go find the food or water they need no mater what state they were in, as long as they are not ignoring danger to get a snack obviously.
  • The name in the medical check menu now matches the survivors name


New Features:

  • Survivors Name appears over their head like it does on Multiplayer
  • Barricade Order added/fixed
  • Doctor Order added.  A Doctor will go to and treat anyone near by that is in need of any kind of treatment, bandage changes, splints, stitches, anything!  You can only Order a group member to take the doctor role if they have at least level 3 Doctor
  • Farming Order added. Yes you can have Survivors tend your farm for you.  But not just any survivor can do this. You must find someone with at least level 3 farming.
  • Partial Food Eating. Survivor will only eat w/e % of the food is necessary to return to 0 Hunger rather than just eating the whole thing.
  • A More interactive style of of well... interacting with survivors.  You cannot just shout orders or order all orders and have your orders heeded immediately like before.  These are people not your puppets after all.  To ask a survivor in your group to do something, or any survivor to do anything basically, you need to first engage them in a conversation.  By right clicking on them and "Call"ing them over to you.  Then they will come and have your attention for a short time. During that time you have many options to interact with them like before such as giving orders, giving them items, swapping weapons etc.   Now right clicking can be tedious i know so, there is a hot key "t" which will Call a near by member to you automatically. and hotkey "/" to call a Non party member from near by if any.
  • Improved Random Survivor AI.  Before the randomly spawned survivors would just endlessly fight near by zombies, flee from zombies or try to hide.
    Now they will follow the following logic.  If they don't have weapon they will search for building to loot, going to new building by buildings looting for said weapon. Once weapon is found, they continue going from building to building but this time looking for food.  Once they find food. they will then barricade the windows and lock the doors. And remain in that building as their kind of base.  Eating and drinking what they have inside until they get killed or you come to recruit them. If they run out of food in said base and begin to starve they will set out again for a new base containing food.
  • Recruiting Logic improved. Before a survivor just have a x chance to be willing to join you or not.  Now all survivors have a kind of relationship stat, and asking them to join you will be based on that stat, a quite low chance for successful invite by the starting level, and each time you ask them the relationship stat goes down!.  So asking and asking does not help but lowers chances.  Giving a random survivor a weapon or foods will increase relationship stat and chance of them excepting party invite!
  • Proper Greetings. If a random Survivor sees you for the first time and it is not too dangerous to do so, they will approach you and greet you.  And will continue on their way after you do not interact with them for a short time.  Though you can of course call them back.
  • First Aide! before survivors did not address their injuries at all.  Now they will flee and give them self first aide if required.  They don't do anything more complicated then bandaging.  Unless they are in Doctor mode. If you want to give them first aide treatment without them messing with bandages first order them to "Hold still"
  • Finding their own Water.  Survivors, like when hungry, when thirsty will go find water near by themselves, either from an item containing water like water bottle, or from a water source like sink, tub, well or toilet.
  • Declaring your Base Area and other Base related areas. You can now select areas with your mouse and designate them as areas in your base, like storage areas for certain items, areas to do certain kind of base work in.
  • Options / Settings in Main menu.  Before you had to fish through the mod files and find the settings file open it with notepad editor and change the values yourself. But now you can simple return to the main menu and Super Survivors has a page on the options menu and you can set all settings with drop down boxes.
  • Group / Base Role based AI  Survivors in or around the base, will try to keep themselves busy even if you don't tell them what to do. W/e they choose to do, they will stop and return to base after doing that thing for a reasonable amount of time.
  • Survivors in Base do Work  Survivors in base, who are not currently doing something you the leader ordered them to do, will take up work tasks themselves based on their group role.
  • Gun fire Cover when behind Objects if you are behind a window shooting from out a window. You will have great cover against incoming fire. Approx 75%.  Many other objects just having them between you and the shooter when you are behind them will also give you cover. The average object gives you 50% cover. Good shooting skills can slightly negate the effectiveness of cover.
  • Translation Support  Translation Support has been added. The file to translate is located in the mod files \media\lua\shared\Translate\EN\
    Japanese Translation by TEATIME05
    Brazilian Portuguese Translation by williamfoxrpg


Stuff that is Gone now or not yet added:

  • Controlling Survivors.  No longer an option and will no longer be. As the idea of this mod is for them to be self sufficient enough for you to not need to control them
  • Order All option. (will not re-add for already mentioned above reason. But something similar will be added )
  • Rules of Engagement. (Something similar will be added)



Stuff I plan on adding soon:


  • Survivors going on Loot missions themselves (Out of cell) with amount of items they bring back dependant on various things such as time since start of world, kind of weapon / skills.
  • You Joining groups.  You can join groups and not be the leader.  Survivor Group Leader AI will give the orders.
  • a simple story mode with quests involving unique survivors

Here is a link to the Workshop! : http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1331826879


Here is a demo video showing the Doctor AI:


Random Survivor AI Demo Video: 


New order Gather Wood works great together with Chop Wood Order:


Edited by nolanri
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  • o attach
3 hours ago, nolanri said:


  • Improved Random Survivor AI.  Before the randomly spawned survivors would just endlessly fight near by zombies, flee from zombies or try to hide.
    Now they will follow the following logic.  If they don't have weapon they will search for building to loot, going to new building by buildings looting for said weapon. Once weapon is found, they continue going from building to building but this time looking for food.  Once they find food. they will then barricade the windows and lock the doors. And remain in that building as their kind of base.  Eating and drinking what they have inside until they die, starve or you come to recruit them.



This is what i am the most excited about, but i must ask, so on Day 1 they will go around looking for their weapon, then find some food and after that they will hold up in some house forever? Or the moment the house runs out of food and they run too out of food, they will go an seek for a new house with food? And how are they going to barricade the windows? They know how to find a hammer, planks and nails?


Also the doctor demo is great, it would be cool to have survivors that have the carpenter profession that can make buildings that you cannot make, making a sense of community with real weight.

Edited by Blasted_Taco
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12 minutes ago, Blasted_Taco said:
  • o attach


This is what i am the most excited about, but i must ask, so on Day 1 they will go around looking for their weapon, then find some food and after that they will hold up in some house forever? Or the moment the house runs out of food and they run too out of food, they will go an seek for a new house with food? And how are they going to barricade the windows? They know how to find a hammer, planks and nails?


Also the doctor demo is great, it would be cool to have survivors that have the carpenter profession that can make buildings that you cannot make, making a sense of community with real weight.

So right now for certain tasks the survivors are creating items out of thin air, like planks for barricading. I don't plan on leaving it exactly like that forever.  The ability to chop wood and gather said wood is already made but just needs to be "wired in" in a sense. But that said I'm not against having the AI "cheat" a little bit in order to get better results / more survivabilty. Which is a fairly common practice with game AI though player may not notice.  And in the case of a random survivor in town trying to go out and chop wood for barricades in town with zombies all around is gonna have a very low success rate, so in the end I will probably have some kind of half and half solution.


i don't think I'll ever add an AI or order for base building as that would be a lot of work. I might do as much as having them build you a square shaped wall with door or gate though.


and perhaps a cook AI who cooks and brings people food I've thought


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16 minutes ago, nolanri said:

So right now for certain tasks the survivors are creating items out of thin air, like planks for barricading. I don't plan on leaving it exactly like that forever.  The ability to chop wood and gather said wood is already made but just needs to be "wired in" in a sense. But that said I'm not against having the AI "cheat" a little bit in order to get better results / more survivabilty. Which is a fairly common practice with game AI though player may not notice.



I have no problems with that, i like the half solution because i dont imagine survivors going to chop wood on their own, i was worried that only survivors that had the odd combo of hammer, nails and somehow a plank were going to barricade the house, with them barricading houses and looting the house, the world is truly going to feel alive.


So they cannot go outside the house after that right? So they will starve to death? I dont imagine how is it going to be after like 2 weeks when most of the day 1 survivors are going to be dead if you dont find them first.

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11 minutes ago, Blasted_Taco said:


I have no problems with that, i like the half solution because i dont imagine survivors going to chop wood on their own, i was worried that only survivors that had the odd combo of hammer, nails and somehow a plank were going to barricade the house, with them barricading houses and looting the house, the world is truly going to feel alive.


So they cannot go outside the house after that right? So they will starve to death? I dont imagine how is it going to be after like 2 weeks when most of the day 1 survivors are going to be dead if you dont find them first.


Right now if they start starving in their barricaded house, they dont do anything about it. but a simple change I could just restart the whole process and have them go back to house to house looting until they find food again.

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32 minutes ago, nolanri said:


Right now if they start starving in their barricaded house, they dont do anything about it. but a simple change I could just restart the whole process and have them go back to house to house looting until they find food again.

Can you disable hunger for non-allied survivors like in the old mod? Maybe a good temporary solution would be for them to eat food, but not starve when they run out.

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Ah...nice to see the mod id changed...was worried i might have to mess with ORGM's built-in compatibility patch for the old survivors mod.


Might have to redo some of it though looks like the new version has partial orgm compatibility, doesn't look like it handle orgm's ammo system or backwards compatibility/weapon update functions. Easy enough for me to fix though.

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8 minutes ago, Fenris_Wolf said:

@nolanri theres a bug that seems to have persisted from the old survivors mod into the new one.

client/SuperSurvivorPresetSpawns.lua..in numerous places it calls getWeapon("Base.HuntingRiflel"), should be Base.HuntingRifle

lines 98, 119, 171, 181, 187, 208, 209, 210, 260, 261, and 262

thanks, fixed and updated now

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2 hours ago, nolanri said:


Right now if they start starving in their barricaded house, they dont do anything about it. but a simple change I could just restart the whole process and have them go back to house to house looting until they find food again.


I would love to see that, it would be just weird to start finding dead survivors all over the barricaded houses and the house next door begin filled to the brim with food, hopefully you can update it to add it.

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4 minutes ago, Blasted_Taco said:


I would love to see that, it would be just weird to start finding dead survivors all over the barricaded houses and the house next door begin filled to the brim with food, hopefully you can update it to add it.

I've made this change already, just have not tested it yet so its not in the ws yet

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Starting a new game I get flooded with hundreds of these:


1521154399535 STACK TRACE
1521154399535 -----------------------------------------
1521154399535 function: newSet -- file: SuperSurvivor.lua line # 141
1521154399535 function: init -- file: SuperSurvivorManager.lua line # 18
1521154399535 function: SuperSurvivorsLoadGridsquare -- file: SuperSurvivorsMod.lua line # 29

line 141 is

	for i=1, size(LootTypes)+1 do o.SquareContainerSquareLooteds[LootTypes[i]] = {} end

looking at your size() that +1 goes higher then the LootTypes table, basically trying to:

o.SquareContainterSquareLooteds[LootTypes[ nil ]] = { }


on that note, the size() function is redundant. #LootTypes will return the size of the table list

for i=1, #LootTypes do ..... end


Edit: same bug lines 49, 101

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I think i need to have some more pre-set doctors to spawn around the map. though there doesnt seem to be any buildings called "doctors offices" except in march ridge.  where should I spawn some doctors that can be recruited?

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16 minutes ago, nolanri said:

I think i need to have some more pre-set doctors to spawn around the map. though there doesnt seem to be any buildings called "doctors offices" except in march ridge.  where should I spawn some doctors that can be recruited?


Cortman Medical would be my best guess, also a doctor could use medical supplies, so they could be looting pharmahug? The dentist office in Rosewood?


Also one thing that i want to ask, it would be possible to have a "Chat" option with a survivor that could bring happiness?


If i recall, one of the moodles when you are unhappy is something like "Seek some excitement or human contact", it would be cool that chatting up a survivor even when they dont say anything, could cheer up or entrain the character a bit, probably not possible because they are not a static object to use in the inventory but it could be neat.

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when I press T to get a survivor to talk to me it shows Im calling my other survivor I left back at my base. I was wondering if it was possible to make a UI box to manage survivors, maybe not to some complicated degree but just something to represent your memory like it wouldn't show their skills until you ask them what they know. Also now that they won't sit and starve will they eventually deplete my map of canned and dried foods and water containers? Maybe set it so sometimes they move to another house and sometimes not that way it could simulate how some people would be way too afraid to leave their little safehouse once it's sealed up. But never past a certain amount of houses eliminating said problem.


edit : I also wish I could control what they ate before they decide sometimes, Elizabeth drank all my fresh milk so I took her to the nearest horde

Edited by Minnigin
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