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High strength = Uselles Stomp?


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So, in my lasts games I was creating my character with Obese trait... Why? 2 things.

1)Because of the scarse food in A Really CD/DA
While scavenging the low and necessary to don't die from starvation, I drop weight and gain 10 'free' points after losing the trait
2) In the meaning time, I enclose me in a place to hit a tree for hours and hours in maximun speed time, that gives high amount of fitness and strength

Being lumberjack you begin with 1 additional point of strength, and hitting the tree until obese dessapear (always takes like a month and 10-20 days), gain 2 more points, and 2 of fitness, giving a total of 7 points of fitness and 8 of strength for the character

Now, I noticed something strange, killing the first like 800-1000 zombies to have a little bit 'safe zone', before doing the lose of weight, when I stomp the zombies with fully charged power, they ALMOST ALWAYS goes down, like 95% of the time
But when I level up strength and fitness they don't... I see like 20% of success by trying to push them down without directly hitting them with a weapon

Anyone else has the same doubt or know what happens? It's weird!

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19 hours ago, DramaSetter said:

Maybe it's random and you just "lucky"? I never thought about increasing stomp damage with strength.. That's interesting concept.

Like I said, I can asure that a fully charged stomp with 'normal' stats, almost everytime the zeds goes down

But with more strength, they only go further but don't get to the ground to kick them

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On 15/11/2017 at 10:32 PM, Jack Bower said: Depends on location of stomping the zombies. Near the head you are more likely to be successful while body stomps are less successful.  Excuse me but that it's not true at all... The stomp system has a 'charge', nothing more... if were as you say, we couldn't push 3 zombies with one stomp... the only thing that matters is the power that you have at the moment to press the space bar,one second is enough to put down almost every zombie no matter the distance they have to your body

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Well, i think you both are talking about different things. Stomping is something you do after the zombie is laying on the floor already.


What you (Brefe) seem to be talking about is shoving while the zombie is still on his feet, i guess.


Stomping should be more affected by weight than by strength, maybe. While higher strength should lead to a successful push over of zombies more often.


Feel free to correct me if i'm wrong, as I'm not a native english speaker.

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Regardless, all player attacks are based on three things. Character stats, distance (depending on what the player has equipped) and "charge" (charge being how long you let your character rest between swings, stomps, shots, etcetera). Maybe I've misunderstood or missed an update but last time I checked it was only those three things that PZ takes into consideration. I assume things may change with the animation update though.

Edit: Panic also has a big effect, as do some other moodles, but those can be included in the "stats" part of those three things I listed above :P

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