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A Really CD/DA has the most insane settings?


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After playing enough time, first in The first week and then on Survival, everything turns to be very quite simple (even if you die in three weeks), I mean, you can find almost everything in a single normal house... I've started playing this scenario after a short time and it's a reeeeaal challenge after all

The fire spreads a lot, thousands of zombies, poor houses...

And for loot it comes to be really difficult, the non-perishable food it's very scarse

Screwdriver, saw and the twinkle to make traps (specially this last one) are insanely hard to find even with 'lucky' perk (find only one, made some traps and a horde of surprising zombies broke all of them... yep, very frustrating)

A month and a half survived so long in Mauldraugh, I don't like going to the wilderness, it seems kind of boring to me... 3000 zombies killed by now, winter makes it even harder but I think I'm gonna make it trough


Anyone else plays this mode? How is it goes for you? Think it's the hardest?

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