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Choosing the 'government' of survivor groups


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Currently, with the onset of NPC's fast approaching like the Mongolian scourge poised on our borders (except with hilarious bugs and fantastic happiness instead of decapitation and rutheless slaughter) we will soon find ourselves getting involved with the politics to emerge from post-apocalyptic world.

That probably makes it seem complicated. What I am suggesting, is that if your group gets large enough, the authority of the 'leader' has the possibility of being questioned. Bad decisions, competing goals, or conflicting personality. Meta-game and the player should have options in dealing with such things, or just preemptively doing it. The player or NPC could initiate a chain of events that attempts to change the group dynamic.

Maybe from now on the leader of the group should be elected - or the polar opposite Caesarian approach. This provides a delicious new conflict in deciding if the group should grow any larger.

"Oh, Stacy has a lot of people voting for her. And this new guy seems like he'd vote for me... Over here! Come enjoy our spoiled cabbages!"

Could become

"Everyone hates me and this new guy would love Stacy too. Say hello to mister axe, stranger!"

Option to persuade survivor group to either pick leader or accept you as supreme overlord for life.

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to quote Rick Grimes... "this ain't a democracy anymore". It's as simple as that, I do not see mysfelf surrendering me to an NPC. I'd rather have everyone else killed than take orders from an npc  :evil:


I guess that talk options and the personal skillset will have a great influence on things like this, for example, if your char isnt skilled and has nothing to contribute, to be honest, then he's baggage. and do you know what happens to baggage? me neither. anyways, I'm excited and am really looking forward to the first NPC interaction

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if your char isnt skilled and has nothing to contribute, to be honest, then he's baggage.

So much for love and compassion lol.

@Crackerjack +1 for politics implementation, since one may grow weary of chopping wood and gunning zeds. i hope i'll live to see it and that the foundations of the NPC system will allow for subtle ways of handling conflicts & conspiracies, diplomacy, cooptation/elections, and so on (based on the aggregation of individuals' choices rather than global bullshit saying "your popularity is 83% you gained 2.3%" or "choose your political system [A] dictatorship democracy"). But i can only begin to imagine how hard it must be to implement a convincing simulation of social interactions.

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How will politics work, though? A system above "votes / power / supplies" or "Democracy vs Marxism" would be great, but hard to implement. For example, Libertarian Socialism?

The most basic system I could think of that keeps the spirit of it would be choosing the dialogue options and getting a response.

"Who do you think should be the leader, [NPC]?"

"[OTHER CANDIDATE] has been really good with looting. I think he should be in charge."

Repeat 5 times for your 6 group survivors, end up with new leader.


to quote Rick Grimes... "this ain't a democracy anymore". It's as simple as that, I do not see mysfelf surrendering me to an NPC. I'd rather have everyone else killed than take orders from an npc  :evil:


I guess that talk options and the personal skillset will have a great influence on things like this, for example, if your char isnt skilled and has nothing to contribute, to be honest, then he's baggage. and do you know what happens to baggage? me neither. anyways, I'm excited and am really looking forward to the first NPC interaction

The fact this is a possibility makes the idea much more fantastic.

"Oh, you don't want me to be the leader? MISTER AXE VETO'S YOUR DECISION."

And if you're useless, aren't there already plans to have the NPC group drop you like the loose end you are?

And this idea also has lovely potential to expand mid-late game dynamics. Going from a tiny, close-knit group of survivors with a self-appointed leader to a mobile/stationary group that's managed to create the most basic of systems for handling conflicts is something that gets me excited.

Also, bribing voters with cabbages.

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you can do all the politics you want, in the end it will all go down the drain... and then you will have to force your will on the others. Or of course subordinate yourself, is this is an option for you...


I too am for the option to find a political solution to group situations, I too am for the option to have different answers to questions, I too am for the option to be scheming and plotting. because thats what politics are for.


nonetheless, a group where I am not the leader is only an option for me, if they have something I need. as long as this status quo is maintained then okay, so be it. If I get a chance to change the status quo I will do it. and thats that, maybe I am leaving the group or the group will have to accept me as the impeccable group leader. 

I am of course exaggerating but thats basically how I see it, zombiecalypse-style

Edited by Walther
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You'll be happy to know this is already something that's planned, in part at least. They've said several times that picking a leader and possibly fighting for leadership WILL happen.


You guys should take a read through some of the old Mondoids about NPC's. They're all posted in the News section of the forum or on the blog at projectzomboid.com.


I think the last 3 NPC suggestions I've noticed are things that are already planned in some form or another XD

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