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Zombie problem in new IWBUM build


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I noticed that when i started a new game with the new beta build, I saw a lack of any zombies. I actually had to search for them and when i found them i realized why i wasnt seeing so many. They we're slow. And when i say slow i mean REALLY really slow. They would probably walk an in game meter for over 40 seconds thats how slow. Is this normal? Or is it a bug.

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Sounds like day/night activity was on and you saw them in a period of inactivity. It would help if you said what preset you used (Sandbox or Survival if Survival then which preset for it, Initial Infection? First Week? Six Months Later?)

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22 minutes ago, Svarog said:

Sounds like day/night activity was on and you saw them in a period of inactivity. It would help if you said what preset you used (Sandbox or Survival if Survival then which preset for it, Initial Infection? First Week? Six Months Later?)

Yeah sandbox, and Activity set to night. I suspected that was the case but wasnt sure. 

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The various report on zeds activity on 38.x elt me to believe the new settings for zed activity need to be modified in basic "survival" (and others) settings...


By default, keep zeds at same level as 37.14 (in mobility/detection/strengh, speed, etc.) during day time and buff them in these various compartiments by the period of time selected ;

Active by day on/off (not exclusive with following)

Active by night on/off (not exclusive with previous).


This way, you still have "normal/lore" zeds on day, keeping them a "decent" threat and you could just make them real monsters by 1) Never (no option selected) 2) Ever (both options selected) 3) monsters by night or day (one of the two options selected).


I'm sure you can get that with the various (great) "sandbox" options, but the default "survival" mode tends to be really easier patch after patch and only convey an once of what was the feeling of PZ back in the days...  :-(


PS : my bad if these post is kinda out of subjetc, but seems related enough to post there.

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