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Posted (edited)

NecroForge 2.5c [26.08.2017]

Added Feature by Request @Hicks

  • New Debug
  • Toggle Flight
    - Once Toggled Press PageUp or PageDown to move your character Up/Down along the Z axis. [Up Limit is Level 9]


I forgot to add 3 lines in a certain place lack of which was, potentially, very deadly for whoever had flight on, was up high as a kite and turned it off a certain way.

NecroForge 2.5d [26.08.2017]


  • Hotfix
    - For a Potentially Silly way to commit Suicide.
Edited by Svarog

So many updates lately..... I can't keep up reuploading to the server lol.  Good stuff though, that tile cloning feature is pretty damn cool.


Our West Point Admin center, formerly 2 safehouses, joined and renovated with the clone brush




Would love to see the 'toggle electricity' brush working in mp (and a toggle water), not sure if its possible though I haven't dug too far into the code.

Posted (edited)
7 hours ago, Fenris_Wolf said:

So many updates lately..... I can't keep up reuploading to the server lol.  Good stuff though, that tile cloning feature is pretty damn cool.

Unless there's some big bad bug somewhere the current version should be good for some time. And when it comes to Tile/Object Clone Brush, I was hoping it would be useful for server admins when I was making it. Good to hear that it is.

Though do keep in mind that everything placed by that Brush is immune to zombies and my original intention with it was making small to medium expansions and adjustments of existing buildings and placing trees, not using it as a map editor on a grand scale :P I mean doing things like below. Or what you did.

Edited by Svarog
Posted (edited)

Wow @Svarog I didn't know you were working on the NecroForge mod, that's actually incredible :o , I'm having lots of fun with this mod, it's like 2D Minecraft :D


Btw, the girl became a man after all that hard work :) 



Edited by jinoz
12 minutes ago, jinoz said:

Wow @Svarog I didn't know you were working on the NecroForge mod, that's actually incredible :o , I'm having lots of fun with this mod, it's like 2D Minecraft :D

Yeah it did become a bit more than an Item Spawner lately. Let me know if you run into some issues or have some ideas.

I am aware of two problems right now.

I messed up an Event activator and Tile/Object Cloner and Barricade Brush input buttons (For Picking Objects and Swapping Barricade type etc.) Don't work unless some some feature like God Mode or Flight Mode is active.

Other one is my Plug-In generator generated a mess with a ton of duplicates when it comes to Hydrocraft so I'll have to update the Plug-In.

I'll try to get those fixed tomorrow and after I made sure there isn't anything broken I'll release it and hopefully I'll be able to stop annoying everyone with almost daily updates.

Posted (edited)

NecroForge 2.5e [29.08.2017]

  • Bugfixes
    - Detects keyboard inputs for brushes properly.
    - Some other minor bugs fixed.
    - Minor optimization
  • Place Floor Brush
    - Doesn't require floor to exist in order to change it. If there is none, it'll create it.
    - You can press "R" to Toggle Full Tile Replacement, if for some reason the brush doesn't work, try that.
  • Plug-In
    - Updated and Cleaned Up the Hydrocraft Plug-In
Edited by Svarog
  • 3 weeks later...
Posted (edited)

NecroForge 2.6 [14.09.2017]

  • Performance
    - Implemented Page System
  • Significantly Buffed Tile/Object Cloner
    - Displays Preview Tile
    - Can Now Copy Doors/Windows/BBQs/TVs/Radios
    - Displays Useable Hotkeys and Basic Info
    - Rotation System for some Objects
    - Get Next/Previous Tile in Current Sheet to Force Rotation or Create Simmilar Objects
    [Use the Feature Listed Above at Own Risk]
    - Hotkey for Quickly Removing Highlighted Object
  • New Brush - Keymaker
    - Click the Door and get a Key for it
  • Misc Changes
    - Pause Key Disables Brushes

Special Thanks to jinoz for Testing!

Edited by Svarog

NecroForge 2.6a [15.09.2017] [Hotfix]


  • Fixed Bug
    - Fixed a serious bug with the Page system that caused NF to spawn completely different item to the one selected.

It's embarrassing that I missed how broken that was :S Sorry about that.

  • 2 weeks later...
Posted (edited)

NecroForge 2.6b [04.10.2017]


  • Updated Vehicle Functions
    - Lock/Unlock Door Function Affects all Doors
    - Set Next/Previous Skin Function
    - Some Bugfixes/Streamlined Code
  • Updated Debug Info
    - Displays X/Y Coordinates of Current Chunk
    - It's useful for finding Savefile Name of the area you're in
    - Fixed Coordinate Display Innaccuracy
  • New Brush
    - Item Spawner
    - Spawns Selected Item on Selected Tile
  • Misc
    - Removed some Debug console output
    - Fixed some items having wrong Icons
    - NecroList Adjustments
    - Functions excluded from appearing in "All" Category
Edited by Svarog
  • 2 weeks later...

NecroForge 2.6c - 15 October 2017


  • New Category - "Vehicle Debug"
    - For Vehicle Debug Functions
    - "Vehicles" Category contains Vehicle/Mechanic Items
  • Vehicle Debug Functions
    - Updated to Work with Vehicle Build 22+
  • Vehicle Stuff Misc
    - Plug-In Now Required to get Vehicle Items/Functions
    - Stuff will then be added only in Vehicle Build
  • New Brush - Lockmaker
    - Generates KeyID for Doors
    - Click a Door to Apply Picked KeyID
    - Read the Notes at the Bottom of Changelog!
  • Plug-In
    - Updated Hydrocraft Item List
    - Survivors Mod Survivor Spawning Brushes [Friendly & Hostile]
  • Misc
    - Disabled Item Tooltip when Mousing Over Functions


Lockmaker Hotkeys:
- "R" - Pick the KeyID of the Door you're currently mousing over.
- "F" - Generate a Random Key ID


Lockmaker Custom KeyID:
- Must be an 8 Digit Number
- Input into 'Module.ItemID' field
- If detected will be used instead of any Picked or Generated KeyID you may have.


- Will only work on exterior doors of Preset Buildings and Player Built Doors.
- KeyID resets on most other preset doors due to the way they are coded.

  • 4 weeks later...
Posted (edited)

Anyone having problems with Necroforge? I haven't used this since August, but now when I try to use it I get kicked for having files that don't match the server (my local easy-host server). This happens on all branches. I've reinstalled the game after manually deleting all mod folders and everything Zomboid I could find. Disabling lua checksum lets me start the game, but there's no Necroforge.


Is it just me?


Edit: Nvm, works fine a month later.

Edited by trombonaught
  • 4 weeks later...

I saw posted somewhere that it's possible to assign damage and infection to players as an admin, but I haven't been able to figure it out. Is this a feature of Necroforge maybe? Is anyone here able to comment?

On 12/06/2017 at 7:46 PM, trombonaught said:

I saw posted somewhere that it's possible to assign damage and infection to players as an admin, but I haven't been able to figure it out. Is this a feature of Necroforge maybe? Is anyone here able to comment?

you can enable health panel debug mode and get a bunch of extra options in the health menu. That is however on by default for admins in mp. Sorry for late reply but i work a lot and don't even have a computer. Posting from phone.

  • 2 months later...
Posted (edited)

NecroForge 2.6d [18.02.2018]

Small Update - Download Links in the OP

  • New Debug
  • Vehicle - Repair All
    - Sets the Condition of all Installed parts to 100%
  • Updated Vehicle Items
    - All the missing ones should now be there.
  • Removed Some Bugged/Dysfunctional Stuff


Sorry it took so long to get even this little bit of work done but I really barely have any free time between work and some serious RL issues. More, hopefully substantial, updates to come soon I hope.

Edit: Btw, I added the Mechanic Skill boost function, probably some other stuff I forgot about, I was chipping away at updating for weeks I don't really remember all the stuff I changed/added because I forgot to write it down.

Edited by Svarog
  • 1 month later...


In the "debug" section, there is 3 options to change hour/day/month, but I'm able to only move time forward when clicking them, although the name says "+/-". How do I rewind time back?

11 hours ago, Rusty_knight said:


In the "debug" section, there is 3 options to change hour/day/month, but I'm able to only move time forward when clicking them, although the name says "+/-". How do I rewind time back?


Click an option Select it and then click the Remove button on the lower right side of the window (Trash Can icon above the Anvil icon)

  • 3 months later...
  • 1 month later...

Hi, I'm new to this mod, which is awesome btw.


I just wanted to report a bug I'm sure you're aware of, and that's the lockmaker brush, one of the best features.


So whenever I use it on my server it works fine and all but when I log out and back in it creates duplicates of the door in the same frame. The keymaker brush might also be involved. Also, and that's a shame, it doesn't work on gates, It appears that the lockmaker brush only works on single tiles (you can see it when pressing the R key to get the lock id) and since gates have 4 of those... Well with the duplication thing it gets messy.


Anyway I hope you can fix that and perhaps add more content to moveables and stuff like that.

On 29/08/2018 at 11:09 AM, Moss7 said:

Hi, I'm new to this mod, which is awesome btw.


I just wanted to report a bug I'm sure you're aware of, and that's the lockmaker brush, one of the best features.


So whenever I use it on my server it works fine and all but when I log out and back in it creates duplicates of the door in the same frame. The keymaker brush might also be involved. Also, and that's a shame, it doesn't work on gates, It appears that the lockmaker brush only works on single tiles (you can see it when pressing the R key to get the lock id) and since gates have 4 of those... Well with the duplication thing it gets messy.


Anyway I hope you can fix that and perhaps add more content to moveables and stuff like that.

Noted, will look into it when I have some time off work, I think I know why it happens but not too sure, been a good while since I looked at the code.

I know it has been a long time since I even posted anything on here but I legitimately have almost no time for anything due to RL work. I'll try to at least get an update out sometime next week with some bug fixes and updated item list.

Far as moveables go, could you name some specific examples of what objects you're looking for in there?

  • 1 month later...
Posted (edited)

just great im using build 40 i installed ur mod now i bugged my UI, i cant open any container eaven after i unintalled it, plus buged the spawns, theres a LOT zombies on places i cleard, i have a horde at my door  .... dude u should warn for what build your mod is, cuz it is NOT for build 40 now i have to back up all the game files, and hope the save game isnt broken isnt it great!? i will never install a ui mod ever again.

this game is the first game im having so MUUUCH problems instaling mods its the second time i have to do this jesus...

EDIT: my mistake! i made it work it seems what was making UI bug was actually a mod that doesnt eaven changes UI ... wierd ... great mod btw!

Edited by Xanax
  • 3 weeks later...
Posted (edited)

Build 40 is out, there are some new items like the new clothes! Update please?

There is also something else, concerning necroforge, I noticed. New traits: Speed Demon and Sunday Driver.


Another edit: You missed Canned Sardines item in the item list :)

Edited by Hadrix
  • 2 weeks later...
  • 6 months later...

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