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This may sound indecent, but a button (or option) where you strip naked and throw everythin on the ground would have its uses. Could save people's lives by getting robbed by bandits instead of shot (in MP especially, with NPC's in SP, too). Also there is a strip bar i know of on a server, would make the dancers' lives easier ;-). For quick escape when one is hauling too much stuff and on the run from a horde it could be useful, too.

Edited by Lumbo
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Not sure about clothes, but dropping all held items should definitely be an option. Sledges, axes, bags full of loot- if it is heavy and in your hand it should be easy to drop in those "sudden scare" moments.


Clothes and backpacks are more complicated to remove (more than just "open your hand") so I don't mind if it takes a few clicks to get the job done.

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Hm, I guess you're right there, dropping inventory would be enough. I only involved the clothes because of RP reasons in multiplayer, so that a robber can see that one is not only dropping half of his inventory but everything. A little message alongside the dropping of the inventory or some other way of telling one dropped everything could do the job as well.

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a mod or game dont remember which named zombie panic: source had a feature called panic where you press a key and drop everything you got for a short adrenaline and speed boost to get away from zombies when youre alone in a tight situation

but it literally dropped everything

im all in for the items bit


p o r n h u b . c o m buddy no need for ingame strip bars lol


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