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Hey, I want to send out a thank you for the TIS devs.


I just started a new character on Monday. She started in one of the crappy little studios. Imagine my surprise when I headed out to find a better safe house and discovered the recipe for bread dough in her mailbox. Man, that was cool.


I had long thought that it would be cool to find mail in these boxed, but never mentioned it as it seemed like such a little thing.


Wondering down the block, I found about 80% of the boxes had trade magazines in them and most were not duplicates. I felt a lot better armed with a lot of recipes for snares and traps, mildew cures and, of course, bread dough.


I don't know when this was added, but I'm pretty sure I walked by one a couple of weeks ago and there was no container there. I'm sure the spawn rate will be adjusted downward, but I definitely appreciate this new location to find helpful recipes.


Thanks again.

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