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Anyone Watching the E-League CSGO Major?


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I was wondering if anyone on this forum follows the CSGO e-sports scene. Are any of you following the current major?


If so, what do you think of it currently, what are your expectations? Who do you think will win and who will bomb out?


Hoping for some responses :D

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Didn't follow for a while, just noticed Inferno isn't in the map pool?!


Started watching the other day and stopped when they didn't have a 1080 stream available. 


Big fan of SK (the players, not the org) but I have a feeling GODSENT is going to go far (didn't they just pretty much shut down astralis?), but like I said. I haven't followed anything CS:GO for about 6 months now and am lost where some of the players are playing now. :D


Edit: Oh right, because there's a new Inferno.


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1 minute ago, Queen Glory said:

I burned through 700 hours of that game and I have the 2015 service medal and the 2016 one, but i'm gonna burn through it for the sake of getting the 2017 service medal

Not really relevant. I'm talking about the major, I was hoping for a response regarding the major.

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