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Changes to specific buildings


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I know that this isnt the first priority here and what not... but I think that special buildings should have special features.


The bank and the police station should have better/bigger doors and bars in front of the windows. which woild make those two the imba-safehouse, if only everyone could enter these buildings... Maybe these buildings can either be forced to let you in (i.e. break stuff like windows or doors through high effort and wastage) or you could find the key to these buildings random in a house (where the police chief or the bank manager could have lived)...


In the future, just like in the past, I guess that those buildings are great as a fortress and should be guarded by npc or crazypeople


ATM most buildings are the same and it doesnt really matter which one you enter, of course some have things others dont (i.e. watercooler) but mostly the differences arent so big, despite the looks.


just calling for some diversity and further specializations.



In general i'm very happy with knox county and love roaming it, looting stuff and distributing splattered brain onto streets and walls. Really eager to see where PZ is going in the future! You guys are AWESOME!

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