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Rename weapon mod/lua script


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Hello.  I'm a little surprised this isn't floating around on here somewhere....  I've seen bits about adding context menus, but not something for weapon renaming specifically.  I figured, since we can rename bags and evolved recipe dishes, it's pretty much already in there and just needs a bit adding for weapons.  And here it is :)


This will enable renaming weapons in inventory context menu, just like bags. Go forth and give that hammer you've been swinging around in the Exclusion Zone for 2 months a special name ;)


I expect renamed items should continue to work fine for recipes, as the display name is what's being changed, not the underlying ID.


Bit of a disclaimer:
- I've not personally tested in multiplayer, either hosted or joined, but it's been commented that it works, however.
- I've not personally tested with renaming weapons from mods, but that's also been commented to work. I expected it would, it operates against hand weapon items after all.

Credit / References:
- Indie Stone, of course. Basically, I've adapted relevant bits of the base ISInventoryPaneContextMenu.lua.
- I referred a bit to RoboMat's Creating Inventory Context Menus tutorial and MisterInSayne's Giving custom options to items when you right click them thread.



  • Download the mod file .7z archive from here; or
  • Copy paste the below, or attachment, into a mod media/lua/client folder; or
  • It's on Steam Workshop as well.




ISInventoryRenameWeapon = {};

require "ISInventoryPaneContextMenu"
ISInventoryRenameWeapon.createMenu = function(player, context, items)
	local canBeRenamedWeapon = nil;

	for i, v in ipairs(items) do
		local item = v;
		if not instanceof(v, "InventoryItem") then
			item = v.items[1];
		if instanceof(item, "HandWeapon") then
			isHandWeapon = item;
			canBeRenamedWeapon = item;

	if canBeRenamedWeapon then
		context:addOption(getText("Rename weapon"), canBeRenamedWeapon, ISInventoryRenameWeapon.onRenameWeapon, player);

ISInventoryRenameWeapon.onRenameWeapon = function(weapon, player)
    local modal = ISTextBox:new(0, 0, 280, 180, getText("Change item name"), weapon:getName(), nil, ISInventoryRenameWeapon.onRenameWeaponClick, player, getSpecificPlayer(player), weapon);

function ISInventoryRenameWeapon:onRenameWeaponClick(button, player, item)
    if button.internal == "OK" then
        if button.parent.entry:getText() and button.parent.entry:getText() ~= "" then
            local pdata = getPlayerData(player:getPlayerNum());





Edited by Wayfarer
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On 1/17/2017 at 0:39 AM, TheLeonBM said:

Great! I love it, been wanting something like this for a while. A couple of questions: Does it work with the latest build? Will it be available on the Steam Workshop?


Cheers :)


Yep it's working on the latest, IWBUMS too.  Unless/until the existing renaming method gets changed I don't expect anything to go wrong.  I've probably just jinxed it, however...

I've just added to the Steam Workshop, updated with link.  Otherwise just search "Rename Weapon Mod".

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