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I don't think that's a bug.

I started my last game with my character as a fitness instructor and it took some time to see some progress there, I remember I checked every now and then to see any change in the stat, at some point I thought it was "locked" at level 8...

Not sure why thou, maybe it shows 0, but starts negative (so it takes some time to go to 0), no idea :)

I think it changed after a couple of in-game weeks or something like that, I don't recall...

It just increases very very slowly, after 1 year (in-game) it was something like 25.000 / 120.000 (talking about fitness level 9, XP boots +125%)


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I'd always thought if you were at extremely heavy load threatened back injury you could only power walk, I can try it out with different characters and see if it was a bug, another thing I noticed about fitness is that if you select the unfit or out of shape you never lose them, you gain fit but never lose the other ones.

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