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Electricity network


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Little idea : display room light

I read many post on electricity with interresting idea, many are on objects, some talk about connection. i start this page to give my opinion and try to centralize "network" idea

ex :

On 15/07/2016 at 5:38 AM, MyTJ said:

Now, to keep it simple, I'd suggest that you'd need one post every few squares (5?) that would effectively extend the range of the generator of 5 in both direction of that post.


I  think an other solution, for realism with simplicity :

Each square and wall could be declared energizable if a wire is posed on it.

Pose or pick a wire with screwdriver + tool of surface (hammer for wood, trowel for dirt, blowtorch for metal).

Auto generation for houses :  wires from each wall with switch, square with electric object and garage to a mandatory point (ie close to front door).

2 energizable square (with wires) are connected by one of the four edge.

An electric object is connected if placed on a energizable square or wall


A variable for each square and wall :  Watt =

-1  : no-energizable (no wire)

0   : energizable (wired)

1-9 : static variable, like central powered (infinite) or court circuit

10+ : Watt on wire (wired and power)

If Watt change, check if one of the four edge is energizable , then share to close square Watt.



Powering :

Powering object add to Watt (on square) like generator ( ie +3000) and change state to switched on.

If Watt = 0 switch off

Mandatory point  Watt  = 1-9

Consumer :

TV, radio, etc...

If < Watt of square, switch on and decrease Watt

If > Watt of square, stay off and  Watt = 0

if Watt = 0 switch off


For generator = 3000, oven = 2800, tv= 500

Switch on tv : Watt = 2500

If add oven Watt = 0

Everything switch off



hided wire system, viewable at electricity skill 4 with show/hide layer option.

court circuit can destroy object.

this system allow good possibilities in futur.


more :

  • Active an other layer at lvl 8, big wire, high tension network between houses/shop (mandatory point) and "power plant" who become infinite (Watt1-9)

          Switchboard on mandatory point of house :

          If Watt1-9 on big wire then (on house) Watt = consumption else Watt = 0

          If Watt decrease, then add to Watt (switch on tv)

          If Watt increase, then decrease to Watt (switch off object)

          Menu on switchboard like radio/tv : switch off and consumption displayed.

  • "Real switch", display room light, allow to control remotely object (ie motor, contactor)
  • differents color for wire to cross without connection
  • switch + detector to automatise


What is your opinion  or idea ?




Edited by arkahys
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I really like the idea of placing wiring on tiles (or in tiles) but like you mentioned, houses should already have a system built in (with open wall tiles that are wired for new appliances the player might want to place as well). As an electrician you could see them, alter them and dismantle them for more exp.

Really cool idea and a +1 from me :)

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