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RimWorld Pre-Alpha is Incredible so far


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Just spent the money on it today. Well worth a few hours of play, and will likely be truly fantastic later on.


I do see one major problem for the longevity of the game, though: Even on the biggest map there's not a whole lot of resources, and the major resource is essentially non-renewable. The only way to keep it long term is going to be trading food for metal, but being (really) the only two resources it's a pretty shallow system to cover a pretty big design flaw. Will be interested in seeing where Tynan goes with it.

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Just spent the money on it today. Well worth a few hours of play, and will likely be truly fantastic later on.


I do see one major problem for the longevity of the game, though: Even on the biggest map there's not a whole lot of resources, and the major resource is essentially non-renewable. The only way to keep it long term is going to be trading food for metal, but being (really) the only two resources it's a pretty shallow system to cover a pretty big design flaw. Will be interested in seeing where Tynan goes with it.

Pro tip, build an armory and stock up on guns. I have more money than I know what to do with after selling them to the traders.

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Love the game -- but my problem is still defense. Even with fully-armed colonists and a couple dugouts, and chokepoints covered by multiple turrets, a group of 10-12 raiders can still walk all over me (baring mines -- precious mines).

Found a combination of early selling iron to get advanced weapons and medicine with late-game harvesting of hydroponic crops to be the ideal solution to money (and iron).


It looks like updating the game solves all:

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Third colony now, found that it is pretty much a must to dig a fortress, rather than build one.


Building one is kind of fun, and should in my mind be the default, but it just costs so much metal - which you will have to get by digging anyway. You will also be wide open to attack, something that the mountain walls can protect you from.


My current strategy is to try and make sure my men can fortify with a wide-open space in front of them - to try and get the raiders out of any cover. Heard blasting charges in trap rooms are pretty good (becoming essential to the larger raiding parties that come later).


Also the fire-fight engagement algorithms apparently respect light - as well as cover - so might try and set up my little fort in the dark, shooting on to a well-lit enemy.

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I've found that raiders will outright ignore walls unless they have no way of pathing around it (such as blocking off a dead end to protect your base). So an open air-base will function just fine, so long as you have a kill zone planned. ;)

What I've ended up with:

Deals with the large raiding parties fine now. (batteries were relocated into the rock face).

Only two sacrificial turrets get destroyed . . . though I still can't manage to have any less than 1 causality per raid. :(

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Basically if you build  up a death pit with alot of cover and turrets and only a small front entrance you can survive without losses against all raiding parties, before the raiders get in they are surrounded and get killed one by one.

I played till cycle 10 or 11 then I got bored, but it's a nice game concept.

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Just spent the money on it today. Well worth a few hours of play, and will likely be truly fantastic later on.


I do see one major problem for the longevity of the game, though: Even on the biggest map there's not a whole lot of resources, and the major resource is essentially non-renewable. The only way to keep it long term is going to be trading food for metal, but being (really) the only two resources it's a pretty shallow system to cover a pretty big design flaw. Will be interested in seeing where Tynan goes with it.

They have been talking about the possibility of begin able cannibalizing old weapons to get metal. I personally think it would be fantastic, would certainly go a long way to solving your metal problems. Imagine begin able to melt down your old weapons into useable ores and then perhaps recreating them into new weapons/furniture. No more 10x50 armory rooms holding 300 or more weapons.



*Sets up 9 turrets in 3 rows. Mows down 20 raiders with one turret destroyed*

Yep, I've beat the game.



:D why loose 150 metal when you only need to loose 75?

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Whelp, I'm now closed testing over with Rimworld, too XD


As predicted, the game has temporarily lost replayability for me. There's not much endgame and no exploration, really, so for the time being I'm left waiting and looking forward to the next update. The game as a whole is really smooth and well designed, but I'm not sure how anything on a map that small will ever have any kind of true long term gameplay value. Still, very excited to see how it all turns out.

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I've been playing the game now for the past few hours


The fucking AI director adapts at such a quick pace, it's amazing. 


I must have quicksaved thrice to avoid certain raider groups and solar flares, and each time I come back stronger but so does the AI...

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:D why loose 150 metal when you only need to loose 75?


Because that'd be dishonorable. ;)


and so's putting colonists in gibbit cages, leaving dead bodies laying around for people to witness and turning out all the lights so it's pitch black. All in the name of ruling your colony on fear >:D.


Seriously turns the entire story upside down, almost like the raiders are liberators and your playing as the bad guy.

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