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I have a feeling this should be in the modding help sections, but I seem to get no responses there to this question. To someone in the know, this should be an easy one to answer.


Where is the tooltip code for displaying weapon ammo capacity?

I have been digging around for far to long to try to figure out how to make my mods tooltips reappear to no avail.


So, help please, and don't kick me to the mod section curb.

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Unfortunately, it really does belong in the mod section. You won't get any more help in the support section than you would there. If someone knows, I'm sure they'll share. In the mean time, maybe give the PZ IRC a chance if you haven't already. It's not always a quick response, but a lot of modders hang out there. Good luck dude.

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I cannot impress enough how much IRC is not instant. Ask your question, then wait. It normally takes a few hours minimum for someone to be around, it's not busy! You may have to ask a few times, but a lot of us leave IRC clients just open. Make sure you do the same basically! :)

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4 hours ago, blindcoder said:

The inventory items tooltips are all handled in Java, so this specific one is in zombie.inventory.types.HandWeapon:DoTooltip().

So my eventual goal of doing a tooltip with small ammo icons showing the type of ammo forming a bar representing a clip is not so doable?

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11 hours ago, blindcoder said:

Check my "Do I have a key for that" mod (https://github.com/blind-coder/pz-dihakft/blob/master/media/lua/client/dihakft.lua).

You can overwrite the ISToolTipInv.render function to do your own rendering of the tooltip. It'd be messy, because you'd need to implement all the rest of the tooltip, too, but it's doable.


Yeah, I saw the base tooltp rendering, but I was hoping to avoid at least /some/ of the dirty ui work there...


Thanks for your help!

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