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I don't know about you, but if society as I know it were to fall apart, one of the first things I'd be packing is a pen and a notebook.  In the event that you have to leave everything you've ever known behind, and go fates only know where, trying to evade death at every turn... something has to keep your mind occupied when you're holed up in a gas station crawl space for the night. 


So I suggest a collection of travel logs to be found on zombies throughout the end of the world. A paragraph here, a bloodstained chapter there, no complete stories, simply a diary from when they first knew it was all coming to an end until their death. What they were thinking, who they missed, what they wished they hadn't left behind. Hopes, fears, love and loss. 


Can we perhaps create a forum category to submit these and maybe [how exciting would this be?] see our submissions in game? Can we talk a dev into writing a few [hundred?] out to give us something to read around [Or feed to] the campfire? 

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Community mod or TIS approved journal writings to find and read? Sounds like a cool idea; I'm not heavy into story writing, haven't really done it intentionally in many years, but I do think its an idea worth pushing for. 


As for stuff I'd be packing, I can't say I'd ever plan to grab anything to write with, let alone paper, I'd be trying to carry stuff that would help me live. That said, paper isn't a bad thing to carry, nor a pencil, if nothing else potential tinder when nothing else is dry. I could see writing a last will of sorts if I knew I was doomed, especially if I knew someone might have to kill my zombie corpse later. I'd use pencil though, not pen. Pen ink will run when it gets wet, pencil graphite doesn't seem to do that.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I really like this idea, would add alot of atmosphere.

The 'Lost Pages' (Don't actually use that name though, Dead Frontier used it and the maker might take offense) could each have a time where they can start spawning to add long-game variety when looting zeds.

And depending on the 'batch' the notes could start optimistic (This will all blow over soon, and then I can get some anti-biotics for this scratch! But I'm getting sleepy...) but as the months pass you can find more bleak notes (They threw me out, those bastards. I told them I got cut from the window but they didn't believe me. So what if I was lying, it's bites not scratches, right?) and yeah I would love a community forum to submit pages to.

I have some exp with writing a journal, my favorite character is Melissa Morgan (MeMo for short) she is an Herbalist who sold herbal medicines before it all went down. I like writing memo's from MeMo (I only now notice memo and MeMo is spelled the same) in a journal she carries.

It's neat to play as different people and would be very interesting to find journals and/or pages with their stories.

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