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Bullet casings.


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I think it would be awesome if when a firearm was fired (just like when there cocked in hardcore) they drop a bullet casing, I think it would be really awesome to walk through the city with bullet casings here and there all telling there own story. what do you guys think about this?

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I can see the "flavour" value, but I think zombie corpses can already cause lags. Adding "bullets corpses" on top of it might not help ^^

I actually had a mod installed on Fallout 3 a while back that added this to the game and it was pretty nifty. The strange thing was that it didn't effect my performance at all. Weird, I know - I expected it to have a big impact but nope, was fine.

I know Zomboid isn't anything like Fallout 3 mechanically, but then again your not likely to fire a few hundred rounds from a minigun in Zomboid either.

Just saying that while is probably SHOULD be a big drain on resources, there's probably a way to prevent it.

That said, I think things like this should be left for consideration after the game is finished or for modders to deal with - the game isn't going to be any worse without it.

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I believe it has been spoken about quite some time ago by the devs themselves.

It was mentioned that it was going to be much too much of a drain on performance to be viable (in vanilla), but that nothing is impossible with community modding.


If I get the time, I'll look for the post.

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