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Now that all zombies / corpses have standard clothing items in their inventories, I find it much more tedious to sift through their pockets. They carry valuable items sometimes, but clicking through a stack of bodies and noticing the odd extra item is difficult.


As we rarely need to loot more than 1 or 2 zombies / closets for clothing in an entire game session, I think it would be useful to have a clothing filter for these (and possibly other) containers that can be turned on and off, making it easier to spot items of interest.


I don't think this would be unrealistic or against the spirit of the game. If I were looting in real life, I would be able to ignore clothing when searching a body or a wardrobe for useful items.


Could be hard to figure the UI for it, but I like the spirit of the idea. I think perhaps something like Eve Online has, checkboxes for each "category" of item:








And you can keep as many of them checked or unchecked in any inventory window to filter your own bags or the loot window.


Could be hard to figure the UI for it, but I like the spirit of the idea. I think perhaps something like Eve Online has, checkboxes for each "category" of item:

And you can keep as many of them checked or unchecked in any inventory window to filter your own bags or the loot window.

Yes, this sounds even better. We already have item categories after all. I was just thinking of a single checkbox at the top of the loot windows for clothing on/off. But now that you mention it, filtering out other types of items could be useful too (e.g. when you go out specifically to hunt for ammo or construction supplies).


Hope we see something like this in a future build.


I think I'd rather just have separate equipped and stored inventory panels, rather than adding a bunch filters somewhere in the current list-based interface.


I think I'd rather just have separate equipped and stored inventory panels, rather than adding a bunch filters somewhere in the current list-based interface.


Naw that's different though, that doesn't help at all with things you're looking at in loot windows. All it would take is a row of checkboxes across the top or the side so it's not as if it would clutter the UI considerably.


Naw that's different though, that doesn't help at all with things you're looking at in loot windows. All it would take is a row of checkboxes across the top or the side so it's not as if it would clutter the UI considerably.

Rather than two tabs?


Rather than two tabs?

I don't think I'm understanding... are you suggesting every loot window have two tabs? That seems like much more hassle than just having a few small checkboxes.


I don't think I'm understanding... are you suggesting every loot window have two tabs? That seems like much more hassle than just having a few small checkboxes.

A row of checkboxes or two tabs (equipped and stored inventories). They're both clutter.


A row of checkboxes or two tabs (equipped and stored inventories). They're both clutter.


Yes but he's not talking about inventory (on your person) he's talking about loot windows like the floor, dressers, fridges, etc.


I can't see how checkboxes aren't functionally superior in every way. They'd take up about the same amount of screen space (checkboxes vs. a switch inventory button) plus would be far more customizable and you could just ignore it and not check any if you didn't want to, whereas the dual-inventory window you'd have to use.


But zombie/corpses shouldn't be represented by the floor, as is . . .


It's relevant to all non-inventory containers, anyways.

Yes, I thought this could be applied to all containers (including your own inventory), but it would be particularly useful for corpses. Going on Rathlord's suggestion, I'm now thinking of a row of checkboxes at the top, which you could mix and match depending on what you're most interested in looting / moving around. Given that there are only a handful of item types at the moment, their checkboxes could probably fit in one row without needing to expand the loot window (much).


I often pack and store my items by type, stuffing food in one bag, weapons and ammo in another etc. Sorting containers by item type and then drag-dropping multiple lines (when it works) is feasible, but a filter would make this easier too.


I think I'd rather just have separate equipped and stored inventory panels, rather than adding a bunch filters somewhere in the current list-based interface.

I think the current system (in-line marker for equipped items + some visual cues on your sprite) are fine for showing equipped items. I assume bags and backpacks will be shown on the characters at some point, so you will more or less know what you have equipped at a glance.


I disagree with the system of check-boxes. One box to ignore clothing is understandable, since clothing on zombies or in wardrobes generally falls flat against the shelves or the corpse and the brain just identifies it as a part of the being unless you're looking for it.


All other objects require conscious observation. If someone gives you a box full of cans, you don't immediately know that one is spray paint, one is shaving cream, and one is whipped cream. You have to read the labels to identify them. Also when looking through unfamiliar drawers - oh, what's this handle attached to? It could be a mirror, a brush, a novelty item, a child's toy... 


The two methods of differentiation are fundamentally different, and adding checkboxes to automatically ignore item types other than clothing is making things too easy. Part of looting is identifying what's in front of you.


I disagree with the system of check-boxes. One box to ignore clothing is understandable, since clothing on zombies or in wardrobes generally falls flat against the shelves or the corpse and the brain just identifies it as a part of the being unless you're looking for it.

My main issue is with clothes when looting zombies, so I'm cool with just a filter for that too. Although being able to sort all containers by item type pretty much does the "identification work" for you already, when looking into a container with various items.


I disagree with the system of check-boxes. One box to ignore clothing is understandable, since clothing on zombies or in wardrobes generally falls flat against the shelves or the corpse and the brain just identifies it as a part of the being unless you're looking for it.


All other objects require conscious observation. If someone gives you a box full of cans, you don't immediately know that one is spray paint, one is shaving cream, and one is whipped cream. You have to read the labels to identify them. Also when looking through unfamiliar drawers - oh, what's this handle attached to? It could be a mirror, a brush, a novelty item, a child's toy... 


The two methods of differentiation are fundamentally different, and adding checkboxes to automatically ignore item types other than clothing is making things too easy. Part of looting is identifying what's in front of you.


     I agree with the spirit behind this complaint, but not the practicality. At some point I do think a concession has to be made that it is a game and sometimes needs to be treated as such.


     I'm not going to say I know where to draw the line, and I can agree that you have a strong argument. But it's also true that the human mind has an incredible capacity to filter things out- like when you're in a crowded room and hundreds of people are talking, yet you manage to focus on only the person you're talking to. The same is proved true of looking for things. Humans are great at searching for only a certain color or shape of item and filtering everything else out- I know I do. When I open a drawer looking for my keys, I don't look at each object, I just take it in. I don't say "book, no, wallet, no, CD, no, knife, no, keys, YES!" I just open it, observe the contents as a whole, and pick the shape of my keys out. This would be the in-game representation of this effect. It's related to how the human mind sorts and processes data- I'd be happy to find some sources if you're interested.


     At the end of the day I'd still support the checkboxes even without this, though, as it's simply a quality of life improvement. Much like not having to relieve oneself and similar things, there are just some things that shouldn't be translated into games. Again, this is completely up to personal opinion and I'd welcome hearing if other people disagree with the checkboxes for this reason.


You're right, but similar types of items are the main issue :P You can identify your keys versus your wallet instantly, but one key vs another is much harder. One can vs another is hard. Things that are the same general size and shape, especially when they don't belong to you, are the things I'm getting at primarily. 


But you have a valid point.


I just got back online for the first time in a loooooong time last night. Being a dumbass, I had let my sub expire while I was in a c5 wormhole... in an uninsured 300 mil isk ship.


The astounding thing is, I made it back to high sec without dying.


But it's also true that the human mind has an incredible capacity to filter things out


At the end of the day I'd still support the checkboxes even without this, though, as it's simply a quality of life improvement.

Both of these are good points.


When you are looking for something in particular (e.g. food when hungry, keys when in a hurry), your perception and mental sorting ability is much better. This could apply to a number of things, making the item filter a somewhat realistic option.


It would also serve as a feature of convenience of course, and could be argued for on those grounds alone.


My request to be able to filter out clothes is based on both to some extent. Hope this will be added at some point, either officially or as a mod. I can see why some people would prefer the "hardcore" realistic experience that doesn't tempt them with this, but it would make my games more enjoyable.


You're right, but similar types of items are the main issue :P You can identify your keys versus your wallet instantly, but one key vs another is much harder. One can vs another is hard. Things that are the same general size and shape, especially when they don't belong to you, are the things I'm getting at primarily. 

This is true, but luckily items of different types look sufficiently different in zomboid.


I agree that you shouldn't be able to haves that only show you beta blockers, shotguns shells or cans of tuna for example, but categories seem all right. The "item" group of things includes a rather varied mix, for example, so this really wouldn't let us drill down to unrealistic depths.


I suppose it'll make more sense once the amount of items gets crazy. Right now there isn't much belonging to each category with the exception of tableware. :P But more items all of the time, right? 

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