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  • Fixed SafeMode getting set on single + dual-core machines.  This required setting zoom/shaders in the options every time the game started.  (Issue #000886, #001534, #001946)
  • Fixed exception when rendering the new controller UI.
  • Fixed 'Reload config files' doing nothing for controllers that hadn't been activated yet.
  • Fixed Linux server not running due to a lack of jinput.jar.
  • Fixed setting ServerPlayerID= to the empty string not disabling the what-server-was-this-player-created on check.
  • Fixed /changeoption not allowing an option's value to be set to the empty string.
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which Java -version is now "official" recommend for PZ-SERVER? 




on Debian 8 with:




oracle-java7 = not working ( but works in previous versions =< 32.16  )

64-bit java detectedException in thread "main" java.lang.NullPointerException: dlopen libjsig.so returned NULL        at zombie.jsig.findJSIG(Native Method)        at zombie.jsig.main(jsig.java:18)ERROR: couldn't find libjsig.so required for preloading




java-7-openjdk = working







oracle-java8 = working

Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM warning: ignoring option UseSplitVerifier; support was removed in 8.0
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[12:22:42][blindcoder@flora:~]$ java -version

java version "1.7.0_79"

OpenJDK Runtime Environment (IcedTea 2.5.6) (7u79-2.5.6-1)

OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM (build 24.79-b02, mixed mode)


Works fine :-)


yep, OpenJDK Java 7 is working, but with Oracle Java 7 i get errors and with Oracle Java 8 no errors except this unsupported -UseSplitVerifier.


the main question is: which is the best for PZ? 7 or 8 , Oracle or OpenJDK

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So that last linux bug that was holding release is fixed now ? :D


I too, am curious if this was the last bug. Since if it is, then you can release this build. And if you release this build, that frees up IWBUMS for Build 33. :D



No, it's still outstanding. It looks to be a bug in steam itself, it's been reported.

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So that last linux bug that was holding release is fixed now ? :D


I too, am curious if this was the last bug. Since if it is, then you can release this build. And if you release this build, that frees up IWBUMS for Build 33. :D



No, it's still outstanding. It looks to be a bug in steam itself, it's been reported.



Lookit you guys making Steam a better place.

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[12:22:42][blindcoder@flora:~]$ java -version

java version "1.7.0_79"

OpenJDK Runtime Environment (IcedTea 2.5.6) (7u79-2.5.6-1)

OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM (build 24.79-b02, mixed mode)


Works fine :-)


yep, OpenJDK Java 7 is working, but with Oracle Java 7 i get errors and with Oracle Java 8 no errors except this unsupported -UseSplitVerifier.


the main question is: which is the best for PZ? 7 or 8 , Oracle or OpenJDK


It should work fine with Oracle Java 7, it just needs the correct LD_PRELOAD

Try editing the shell script to change the first JSIG="`java -classpath pzexe.jar zombie.jsig`" to JSIG="JSIG=`dirname "$(readlink -f $(which java))"`/../lib/amd64/libjsig.so"

and the second one to JSIG="JSIG=`dirname "$(readlink -f $(which java))"`/../lib/i386/libjsig.so"

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Fixed SafeMode getting set on single + dual-core machines.  This required setting zoom/shaders in the options every time the game started.  (Issue #000886, #001534, #001946)

at last! how long I've been waiting for this! a thousand thanks to you!!!

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I get

"Received: 255"

each time I try to join a dedicated Server on my own System.


I already reserached that message but apparently there's only one other person in the 32.25 topic who also got that with no further information


  • System is Windows 7 (largely up to date, except some updates which would be required for IE11, but they break some older games I play so those are not installed), non admin account
  • The Server is setup as non public whitelist required server (the .sql files  for this do exist)
  • I already verified the game via steam
  • I updated my custom .bat (same as the example one in the folder) only difference is I pass a servername
  • The Server starts correctly (at least it says so in the log)
  • Client Side I tried to fill both IP Address fields with either and alternatively with localhost (just to try and see if it makes any difference)
  • Client Side it says that the server does not respond
  • There is nothing more than said message (Received: 255) when I try to join anyways
  • Tried it with and without mods, no difference
  • Tried the client in 32 and 64 bit, no difference
  • The client log shows this, not very helpful other than stating the obvious
[ZNetJNI] Connecting to[ZNetJNI] IP to connect:[ZNetJNI] Failed to retrieve server information by its IP Failed

I remember reading somewhere about turning off some steam features (if that was implemented already) I might try that actually once I find it...

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I know, double Post but its important.


If you get the "Received: 255" Error this is due to the game not "auto detecting" that you ran the old no-steam Servers I guess.


If you add "-nosteam" (without the " ) by going into


Right Click on PZ in Steam -.> Properties -> General Tab -> Set Launch Options -> add "-nosteam"


Joining your non steam server should now work.


The .bat File I used to start the server was

".\jre64\bin\java.exe" -Xms2048m -Xmx2048m -Djava.library.path=./ -cp jinput.jar;lwjgl.jar;lwjgl_util.jar;sqlite-jdbc-;trove-3.0.3.jar;uncommons-maths-1.2.3.jar;./ zombie.network.GameServer -servername theNameHerePAUSE

I didn't try if the same is also true if you try to join a steam server with -nosteam (it probably won't work, would actually make sense).


The Problem here is that there is no easy to understand error message (both in the Game itself and on the server side). It took some guessing on my part (and the fact I just quickly skipped over the last few build topics yesterday).



Edit: And there is a paragraph in 32.20 topic explaing just that "Steam versus Non-Steam:" But to be honest anyone not a bit technically inclined will probably have problems figuring that out without spending some time researching. The ingame Game Browser should probably say something like "Cannot join non-steam server with steam enabled client" or something along those lines. Vice versa for non-steam clients wanting to join steam servers (unless that is supported).


Not Showing non joinable servers would work I guess, but then you might get people wondering why they don't see their server. Ofcourse one could argue to research before starting a server, but we mostly know how thats not going to happen... (see me and the other guy in the 32.25 topic)

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