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Hey, I'm trying to use Z-Spawn, but the tilde key is having no effect, whatsoever. I am using the Interim build though. Any answers?

I had this problem (see unreadable crossed-out last post from this thread's first page)

And somehow i got it to work by replacing "key == 41" with "key == 20", 20 being bound to the key 'T'.


mods/Zspawn (0.3.2)/media/lua/ZSpawnWindow.lua

function zSKeyListener(key)  	if key == 20 then  		if not zWin:getIsVisible() then  		    zWin:setVisible(true);  		else  		    zWin:setVisible(false);  		end	endend

but my guess is the better menus mod is messing with ZSpawn that is if you have it active.

It's activated for me but the mod still works.

btw how is the new zspawn-that-is-not-zspawn mod development going ?

 NecroForge is doing quite good. At the moment it is in a working state and looking great as well but EcentriCreation isn't ready to release it yet so it'll be a while before we get it out here. :-|
Thanx for the heads-up. So, as the name suggests, will we be able to spawn pocket zombies in our inventory ?


I cant seem to find the mod-options menu


Could you be more specific pleeeze (otherwise Zed Head may turn into his Steam Hulk shape and spank you real bad :D, trust me you don't want that ) ?

-> the 'mods' option on the main screen doesn't show up on the left of 'Survival' at the bottom ?

-> or ZSpawn mod doesn't show up in the mods panel ?



btw how is the new zspawn-that-is-not-zspawn mod development going ?

 NecroForge is doing quite good. At the moment it is in a working state and looking great as well but EcentriCreation isn't ready to release it yet so it'll be a while before we get it out here. :-|


Thanx for the heads-up. So, as the name suggests, will we be able to spawn pocket zombies in our inventory ?


I cant seem to find the mod-options menu


Could you be more specific pleeeze (otherwise Zed Head may turn into his Steam Hulk shape and spank you real bad :D, trust me you don't want that ) ?

-> the 'mods' option on the main screen doesn't show up on the left of 'Survival' at the bottom ?

-> or ZSpawn mod doesn't show up in the mods panel ?


LOL, I see someone else knows I'm a angry nerd on steam other than nasKo. Umm.. As for the pocket zombies its a major maybe. I'm not quite sure if we'll be able to do such a thing but ExcentriCreation is one smart cookie so we'll see what happens.


I don't have ~ key, I'm using a Hungarian keyboard, how do I change the key to something else?

changing the key is a complicated posses (especially if you don't know java or ASCII) so don't bother doing that. another way, that isn't as time consuming and a lot easy er, is for you to use a virtual/on-screen keyboard that has other languages on it (for this you should use the US keyboard). This way it shows you the location of where the ~ key would be on your keyboard (which is typically found under the Esc. key on the top left hand corner of your keyboard).


I hope this helped!




I don't have ~ key, I'm using a Hungarian keyboard, how do I change the key to something else?

changing the key is a complicated posses (especially if you don't know java or ASCII) so don't bother doing that. another way, that isn't as time consuming and a lot easy er, is for you to use a virtual/on-screen keyboard that has other languages on it (for this you should use the US keyboard). This way it shows you the location of where the ~ key would be on your keyboard (which is typically found under the Esc. key on the top left hand corner of your keyboard).


I hope this helped!




... or you could just change two characters in the mod lua file, as suggested a few posts above (just sayin' :) ). It doesn't even require a PhD in computing sciences and the like.


EDIT: by the way Dylan do you know where the equivalence table for [ characters <=> numeric value used for keyboard events ] may be found ? If the code is ASCII, and if this table is relevant then it doesn't fit with what i randomly got in above example, where code 20 <=> character 't' :???:


EDIT2: and maybe you should add how to change the key binding in the OP, since it seems we're a few people to get this problem, and one may think the mod is more deeply broken.


maybe you should add how to change the key binding in the OP, since it seems we're a few people to get this problem, and one may think the mod is more deeply broken.

 Hmmm... I'll check with ExcentiCreation if we can add a tab for enabling different keys for NecroForge but he's busy making a poster for PZ so we'll have to wait. I might talk to him and see if we can release a WIP version soon.


maybe you should add how to change the key binding in the OP, since it seems we're a few people to get this problem, and one may think the mod is more deeply broken.

 Hmmm... I'll check with ExcentiCreation if we can add a tab for enabling different keys for NecroForge but he's busy making a poster for PZ so we'll have to wait. I might talk to him and see if we can release a WIP version soon.
That would be great and a lot cleaner than editing the source files, but...

If i understand you correctly, it would cause an unsolvable problem : to change the key i need to open the mod panel, to open the panel i need to change the key binding if default doesn't work... :geek:

Other functional options could be to add the key binding setter :

- in the main option panel with the other vanilla key bindings

- in the menu bar when game is paused (next to exit, ...)

- in the context menu in game (but it wouldn't feel right to have it there among game actions)

Anyway you don't have to rush the release as far as i'm concerned



That would be great and a lot cleaner than editing the source files, but...

If i understand you correctly, it would cause an unsolvable problem : to change the key i need to open the mod panel, to open the panel i need to change the key binding if default doesn't work... :geek:

Other functional options could be to add the key binding setter :

- in the main option panel with the other vanilla key bindings

- in the menu bar when game is paused (next to exit, ...)

- in the context menu in game (but it wouldn't feel right to have it there among game actions)

Anyway you don't have to rush the release as far as i'm concerned


 That's what I was thinking there around those lines. It would be dumb to have a tab on the mod if you cant open the darn window to even click the tab. That's just common sense there my friend. I'll check if we can fiddle with the pause menu or the main key binds no worries. ;-)


(when I say "we" I mean ExcentriCreation, because god knows I'm just the info guy and can only handle simple tasks like posting this stuff. :oops: )



I can tell you right now NecroForge makes it easier to find items and its way more user friendly compared to ZSpawn.


The one thing that makes life easier in everyway you can see fit when looking for items...





I'll try to leak a few other images but its very doubtful considering I don't want to ruin the other features.



Chew on that ZSpawn fans because NecroForge will blow this mod out of the water.


                                 Feed the Spiffo... do it... Feed him...


i have got a small problem...  i got the mod installed and i  got the checkmark in the mod menu but  the menu never shows in-game and pressing tilde key does nothing. have i done something wrong? Some help would be nice


i have got a small problem...  i got the mod installed and i  got the checkmark in the mod menu but  the menu never shows in-game and pressing tilde key does nothing. have i done something wrong? Some help would be nice

What version are you playing?



i have got a small problem...  i got the mod installed and i  got the checkmark in the mod menu but  the menu never shows in-game and pressing tilde key does nothing. have i done something wrong? Some help would be nice

What version are you playing?


The latest version




i have got a small problem...  i got the mod installed and i  got the checkmark in the mod menu but  the menu never shows in-game and pressing tilde key does nothing. have i done something wrong? Some help would be nice

What version are you playing?


The latest version



There are several ... the non-beta, the beta and the interim. So which one do you play? ;)


There are several ... the non-beta, the beta and the interim. So which one do you play? ;)

Just the one you get with the steam key you get when you buy it on desura. have not tried modding the desura version because last time i tried modding something on desura it stopped working and i had to reinstall it.

Just the one you get with the steam key you get when you buy it on desura. have not tried modding the desura version because last time i tried modding something on desura it stopped working and i had to reinstall it.

That doesn't tell us the version you're playing. :-|


Just the one you get with the steam key you get when you buy it on desura. have not tried modding the desura version because last time i tried modding something on desura it stopped working and i had to reinstall it.

Okay so you are probably using the standard .17 build. Go to your steam and right click on Project Zomboid, then look for Properties and finally search for the beta tab in the window that comes up. From the list there select the interim 64 build. It is the latest version and the mod might work with it.

  • 2 weeks later...

Also, make sure the mod folder is found in [userProfile]\Zomboid\mods and that the mod name is listed in the 'loaded' file. I find activating mods to be a pain in the ass.


Doesn´t work for me with the latest steam beta, can´t bring up the menu by pressing the "~"-key (I presume with a german keyboard it´s the "^"-key?). The mod is loaded and copied to [userProfile]\Zomboid\mods. Another mod works fine though so it must be something with this mod then I think?


You can change your keymapping to english by pressing Alt+Shift then press the "^" button to bring up the menu. The ~ button on the german ( my ) keybord is the "+ * ~" button which also works for zoom so it doesnt work for this mod. That's why you have to change the keymapping.


i think the mod wont work for german keyboards because the ~ key.


so, here is a fast way to fix that (pardon my english, but I'm sure you know what i mean).


go to: \Users\YOURUSERNAME\Zomboid\mods\Zspawn (0.3.2)\media\lua


open: ZSpawnWindow.lua (open with texteditor)


you find at the bottom (or press ctrl+f and search for if key):


function zSKeyListener(key)  
    if key == 41 then
          if not zWin:getIsVisible() then


simply change 41 to 13 and save.


The new Key to open the window in the game is + (between "ü" and Enter).


have fun



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