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More Options for Sandbox Mode


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Basically when you start a sandbox mode allow a check box which allows you to change aspects of the current save.


Let me again say, this is for Sandbox Only. The mode made for making things exactly how you want (Even no chance for infection is already in), basically this is just expanding on how much you can change to increase the enjoyment this mode can bring. I am in no way suggesting this for the legit modes (Survival/story) of this game, because that would ruin the spirit of the game proper.


would allow access to a set of 'Scenario Modifiers' which you can enable/disable before game start like:

(Kind of like disabling 'proper zombies' and then changing their stats, but you would change things like:)

'Item transfer speed'1-1000% faster/instant, (Instant: Like when PZ was 1.5)


character HP (1%-9001% :) or invincible if you fancy it,)


Character STR/SPD/AWR (1%, play as blind, slow and weak - 1000% you are the literal equivalent of 10 people, 100% being normal PC)


NPC's(When added): always friendly/always evil or change %'s of evil/good, NPC stats, etc,


Action speed: 1%-1000% faster/Instant (For when you want that fortress now)


Whether or not cheats can be turned on (Like spawn items, teleporting, etc, accessed via ESC menu)


more/fewer points for traits (Up to unlimtied) allowing you to make the perfect character

(Or the perfect Role-playing character, both are different or same) meaning you could take ALL the positive modifiers without any of the negatives or just the exact pos/neg's you want for a RP character without worrying about point totals. Would be extra fun when NPC's get here, basically have them all eating out of the palm of your hand (Or eating lead if they don't)


Event Rarity: How often do events occur (For now that would only effect how often random noises attract Z's, but later would change how passive/aggressive the future director will be)


Hazard Rarity (After director): increase/decrease the amount of random destructive events (Like lightning strikes causing fires, malfunctioning electronics while power is still on, etc) the director throws at you.


Also expanding on current options:

Rain: the normal option, but also : Severity. Example: Low/rare rain with very high severity would be rarely raining, but when it does it rains for 3-4 days straight.


Zombie respawn rate: (From what I understand it will always bring the population back to day 1 numbers over time? I might be misunderstanding how that works) The current options plus: Density increase : Over time (Choose an interval) an additional 1-1000% of Z's will be added to the maps population permanently. This could effect the current respawn rules making the rule respawn 10% of the new population instead of the day 1 population, which would allow the zombies to ramp up over time. Maybe each month the number of Z's double, or every day they increase by 1% slowly building into an insurmountable force from hell!


Water shutoff: so the water shuts down in 0-2 months, what if it shuts down but keeps running? It just gives : Tainted runoff: setting for an additional 0-2 months (Or more). The pipes are still full but the purification process isn't working anymore.


Stats decrease rate: Give an option for individual stats (Food/water, sleep, boredom, depression, etc) Instead of all the stats combined


Infection Chance: Currently bites are 96% (I think) infection rate and scratches are 25%. It is a slider that allows you to change it from 0%-100% chance. (For instance make bites 100%, and scratches 90-100% for hard, or 10% and 5% respectively for easy)


And more options too, I probably have only scratched the surface of it.


Also I did a quick search but didn't find anything directly related to this, so if I missed something let me know if it is a copy of this idea.


And if people have good ideas I will add them to the list under edits below:




Under needs you could turn some on/off or adjust rate (I just played multi-player and sleep/fatigue is off or really low, it was super fun)

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