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The largest building?


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Hello folks!


So, I was particularly bored at work today and an idea crossed my mind: why not have a challenge map that only takes place within one, huge building?


However, herein lies the question:


How large can buildings really be? At the moment, I have started designs on a 300x300 tile building, to fill the entirety of a 1x1 cell.


At the moment, it seems to be working fine, although there is some considerable lag at times, which makes me wonder if this will even prove to be playable. Does anybody have any particular knowledge regarding whether this is actually a possibility, or merely a pipedream?



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Maybe when the the cell is filled in with more rooms instead of one giant one the lagg will not be so bad, not sure if the roof would cause lagg if it's just one big flat-top. I was thinking of something similar, except using the hedges to make a huge 1-cell hedge maze for last stand. Get to the exit, have wall-less rooms for loot along the way and some small shacks for sleeping if in SP. 

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This gives me an awesome idea

Metrozoid 2033!

That was the plan!

I have a large system of metro tunnels and sewers all snaking together. I should be able to bring up some images soon!

The only problem I could see is that zombies may start spawning in the walls, unless you've solved that.

Covering the ground with water may work, though

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I will be running some tests today, but the plan was to have a hive of tunnels and rooms over several floors, with water between all of the rooms to prevent spawning where it's not desired.


However, I am also looking at having funnels on the outskirts of the map, for zombies to spawn outside the building, and walk into the tunnels.


Quite whether this works or not remains to be seen!

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