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Preventing a context menu from instantly executing?


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I've been working on making a time warp in my cheat mod. Problem is, I want to give the user the ability to set it to any hour he wants, not just Morning and Noon and Night/etc, so I decided to test out passing arguments to a function so that I can neatly handle this in a single function. Problem is, there seems to be an issue where it executes even if I just right click to open a context menu once. So I right click, it instantly executes (undesirably), and clicking the menu normally doesn't do anything. After Googling, it seems that putting the brackets will make Lua instantly call it, which is a problem because I need those brackets to pass an argument.


ISUICheatMenu.createMenuEntries = function(_player, _context, _worldObjects)

    local context = _context;
    local worldobjects = _worldObjects;
    ISUICheatMenu.player = getSpecificPlayer(_player);
    for i,object in ipairs(worldobjects) do -- saves clicked square pos, basically
        if object:getSquare() then
                ISUICheatMenu.square = object:getSquare();
    --Making the Cheat Menu--
    local CheatOption = context:addOption("Cheat Menu", worldobjects, nil); -- Makes the cheat menu.
    local subMenu = ISContextMenu:getNew(context); -- As it is a submenu, I create a new submenu.
    context:addSubMenu(CheatOption, subMenu); -- I add the menu to the submenu, otherwise it won't appear.
    local GodOption = subMenu:addOption("God", worldobjects, ISUICheatMenu.GodToggle); --I add a new option to subMenu and set it to trigger the GodToggle function
    local CreativeOption= subMenu:addOption("Creative", worldobjects, ISUICheatMenu.CreativeToggle);
    local AmmoOption = subMenu:addOption("Inf. Ammo", worldobjects, ISUICheatMenu.AmmoToggle);
    local NoReloadOption = subMenu:addOption("No delay between shots", worldobjects, ISUICheatMenu.NoReloadToggle);
    local SkillOption = subMenu:addOption("Max All Skills", worldobjects, ISUICheatMenu.MaxStats);
    local CarryWeightOption = subMenu:addOption("Infinite carryweight", worldobjects, ISUICheatMenu.CarryWeightMax);
    local SpeedOption = subMenu:addOption("Run fast", worldobjects, ISUICheatMenu.GottaGoFast);
    local HealOption = subMenu:addOption("Heal yourself", worldobjects, ISUICheatMenu.DoHeal);
    local PreventDeathOption = subMenu:addOption("Prevent death", worldobjects, ISUICheatMenu.PreventDeath);
    local MeleeInstaKill = subMenu:addOption("Insta-kill melee", worldobjects, ISUICheatMenu.MeleeInstaToggle);
    local RepairHandItem = subMenu:addOption("Repair equipped item", worldobjects, ISUICheatMenu.DoRepair);
    --Making the time warp menu--
    local TimeOption = subMenu:addOption("Set time to...", worldobjects, nil);
    local subMenuTime = subMenu:getNew(subMenu);
    context:addSubMenu(TimeOption, subMenuTime);
    local MorningOption = subMenuTime:addOption("Morning/9 A.M", worldobjects, ISUICheatMenu.SetTime(9))
    local NoonOption = subMenuTime:addOption("Noon/12 P.M", worldobjects, ISUICheatMenu.SetTime(12))

ISUICheatMenu.SetTime = function(TimeToSet)
    local TimeToSet = TimeToSet
    local time = getGameTime()
    time:setTimeOfDay( TimeToSet )


(some of those don't call anything, mainly because this is a clipped version of the 500 line monstrosity I'm trying to minimize :P)


So when clicking MorningOption, it passes ISUICheatMenu.SetTime with the time I want to set, and SetTime saves the argument into a variable and sets the time to it. But again, it instantly executes.

How do I prevent this?

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Of course it will be instantly executed. Using the brackets aka (9) calls the function. You could try using an anonymous function as a wrapper:


local MorningOption = subMenuTime:addOption("Morning/9 A.M", worldobjects, function() ISUICheatMenu.SetTime(9) end)


If that doesn't work you'll have to use the ugly solution of creating a function for each variable (9, 12, etc.).

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Of course it will be instantly executed. Using the brackets aka (9) calls the function. You could try using an anonymous function as a wrapper:

local MorningOption = subMenuTime:addOption("Morning/9 A.M", worldobjects, function() ISUICheatMenu.SetTime(9) end)

If that doesn't work you'll have to use the ugly solution of creating a function for each variable (9, 12, etc.).

Yeah, I guess I learned that brackets calls it the hard way lol.

I eventually figured out that I can still pass a function.


local MorningOption = subMenuTime:addOption("Morning/9 A.M", worldobjects, ISUICheatMenu.SetTime, 9)

Turns out that there was another argument I could pass. *facedesk*


I'm hoping that the Project Zomboid modding resource gets updated soon, so I have an idea of what it is I'm calling. I still have no idea what worldobjects is doing (mindmod did it, so I assumed it was important) or if there are more arguments I can call.

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