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Overpacking/Sorting Container Contents and Visible/Lost Items


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This is one of those ideas of mine that might not be so great but I want to suggest it anyway. I thought of it while trying to sort through the tools in my work truck and was having a hard time finding an item that I knew was in there. I was having a hard time finding it because it was one of the less frequently used tools and, as such, had fallen to the bottom of the tool box as I piled other more frequently used tools and supplies on top.


So. Basic idea is the same as my above described conundrum. Every container has a threshold for how readily visible the items inside of it are. Once filled past this threshold, the name of every item that is "shoved towards the back", so to speak, becomes grayed out and slightly illegible and the item icon becomes a question mark. Shove enough items in past this threshold and the items towards the back become progressively more grayed out and illegible until finally just dropping off the item list altogether. They're still in the container, it's just that they're so far back inside that you can't readily see them and have to go digging through until you find them.


Would be possible to mitigate this by spending a day or two sorting out your containers and storing items so that things are in their proper place, but eventually it'd go back towards being a cluttered mess as time goes by and items are shuffled around during use.

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If things don't appear on the list, that could be a big issue, especially if the system gets glitched.  Not a particular fan of the idea, no offense.  Though, they could have it so inventory is sorted by when it was added to the container, and you can actually change the order of said items.  (Would have, more or less, the same effect, things that aren't used frequently would end up at the bottom of the bag, or the back of the shelf, etc.)

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