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Survivor diaries export after death.


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I think this is would be a good feature for diaries you write of your survivors to be exported somewhere, possibly just in game and you could make a .txt out of it and it would make it much easier to share with people. Is there really any point right now of having them in SP only for your own amusement to read them?


After you're dead, they're gone forever and part of the greatness of this game is hearing people's struggles and inevitable death, sure you could just make it up in memory and post it here, but it's not really got the same charm as having it in its original form and being able to read back on it at any time you want to.

Pardon me if something is already in the game of this sort, it's hard to keep track of some things sometimes.

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Great idea! And you know what would be even cooler? If those diaries were uploaded and sent to the developers to be put in the game. Imagine finding a player-written diary! :D

This is actually an amazing idea... Maybe devs could sort through them to find some that they like, and then spell check them and put them into game!

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I am all about it. Exporting them to a .doc or .txt would be great. I like to RP in my games, creating a back story for my characters and how they ended up in KY. I'm made several journals that are now lost, it would be great to be able to make a library of sorts over time. Looking back and reminiscing on the good times and bad would be awesome. 

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It would be cool if some were added to the game, I know I'd enjoy reading through a diary I find on a zombie I just killed. I don't know about spellchecking or correcting grammar, that just makes it less realistic if everything is done in perfect english, or any other language for that matter.


It's too bad more people don't do this on MP servers, it's always fun to find someone's notebook on a freshly killed Zombie.

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