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Mad science/ eperimentation


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With an added zoologist/biologist/scientist and surgeon profession,

I think it would be rad if you could catch some zombies.
And then you tie them down and experiment on them.

You can research them, study their bodily chemistry, see how they work, and the more you do so, you can learn more about them.
Maybe how they are alive again, better, more efficient ways to kill them, perhaps upping your damage to them, and giving you an xp boost in weapons...

Seems fairly simple.
You could figure out if you can tinker around with knives in their brains, to find out if you can lobotomize them and make them pacified, or remove their arm and jaw muscles, and putting backpacks on them to use them as pack mules.

Catching a zombie shouldn't be too hard.
Get a cop's tazer and handcuffs, and some dog bite armor, and you're set to catch one.

Unless it's so rotted it will fall apart, in which case it already would lack the ability to harm you altogether.

Maybe you will discover why you've never seen a child zombie, by looking inside the stomach.

You could cut some ligaments and make them permanently crawl and use them as guard dogs.
Or, you could tape blades into their mouth and arms, and armor their head and neck and use them as weapons against players and npc's.

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  • 10 months later...

That idea seems really fun to me, but the developers may already have a lot to work on so even if one of them likes the idea it might take quite a while for him to get around to it. Another problem is that they would then have to make decisions about what causes zombieism on a scientific level. But regardless, here are my contributions to the idea.


Scientist guy manages to get some free time, maybe he's got a fortified farmhouse somewhere, and he decides to use his great education and the power of SCIENCE!

He studies zombie cells from various parts of the body like the brain and muscles and nerves under a microscope to see how their cells are different and also does chemical tests on them to see if the cells are still alive.

He catches some poor little bunny rabbits and tries infecting them with zombie blood and saliva to see if he can use them as test subjects. If they become zombie bunnies he uses them in experiments, and also becomes afraid of wild zombie animals and makes sure not to let a single zombie bunny go free because they could bite others.

If he cannot infect rabbits or rodents then he has to more difficultly use human cells (or even live humans if he's evil). If he can get to a research centre in a city early enough to get some cancer cells, fabulous! Otherwise he could swab cells from his own cheek and grow them in barley malt extract he got from a health food shop.

He then adds different parts of zombie to the cells to see if zombie transmission factor (ZTF) is present in all bodily fluids, and if blood infects them then he makes sure to be really sure to be careful with zombie blood.

He then tries to see if he can separate zombie transmission factor from the cells by centrifugation and chromatography and distillation, to get some clues about what it may be. He could make a block of jelly using seaweed jelly powder and try using an electrical current to see if ZTF moves through the gel. Is it a molecular? How big is a ZTF particle? Does boiling it kill it? Does ethanol kill it? Does UV light kill it? Does even the distilled water of zombie saliva cause infection? Can a single water molecule cause infection?

He then finds out about things the size of a ZTF particle, or that there are many, and what things deactivate it, or that it is something magical unexplained that attaches to water molecules.


There could also be news reports on the television and radio about what scientists think of it based on the samples they have looked at, which could give scientist guy some early clues to save him time, or tell him things discovered in a fully-stocked lab that he would not be able to discover himself in his home-made lab. "Transmission seems to be accomplished by... Early tests have shown that the factor responsible for the infection are... and can be..."


Not everyone will be able to do things like this, so perhaps it should be limited to Doctors and others with the necessary education. A problem with this idea though is that the indie stone guys would then have to think up scientific details about zombies, so the might leave out this possibility. So a real Doctor probably would try this sort of research, but it may be left unmentioned for an unexplained reason in Project Zomboid. I can only hope this idea is interesting enough to one of the developers.

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