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Tooks Plays PZ, Season One <3


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You are already playing build 31? I just want to give you a hug, because I am such a lovely person. Exactly the kind of person TiS wants in this forum. Imagine Homer Simpson giving a nice warm hug to his son's neck with his hands. In other words: I want to strangle you, you bastard! (Currently watching the vids)


Although one can argue that I lack imagination. How about I want to give away some petrol so you can drive around in your car a little longer, but I quickly need the canister back? I douse you in petrol! Oh, and you are a smoker, let me light that fire.


After our first encounter with that little mishap, I obviously have to take care of you. As I am not very good with fire it seems to me, I don't dare to turn on the oven. You know what I can do? With the medical system I can now change the bandages. Add to that the fact that bleach can be used to disinfect, I'm gonna use bleach on your burns.


Now that you are once again back from hospital, it seems to me I am not much of a doctor. What will I do then? Mhh, I'm gonna cook a great meal for you to make up for it all. Unfortunately, I was spending all my time in the hospital to finally take you back home and didn't manage to go to the grocery store, so we have to make the best of whatever is still in the house. Oh, meat isn't green you say? Well this piece isn't anyway, but I am colourblind so what do I know. And this vegetable are a bit soft and furry. You do have a strange taste. don't you?!


Now that you are once again back from hospital, it seems to me I am not much of a cook. ...


You get the idea!

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